Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Review: Merchant & Mills Sewing Notions Set (GIVEAWAY CLOSED)

I received this very cool Merchant & Mills Sewing Notion Set in the mail from Kaufmann Mercantile. Have you heard of the online store? It conjures up so many great associations for me. I love the idea of a carefully stocked mercantile1 Their tag is "Products that will outlast you." (A very deliberate us of "that" vs. "which" for those of you English major types... :-)). And in this day of cheap and disposable don't we appreciate well-made products we can invest in for the long term?

Click to read all about it and enter the GIVEAWAY open through April 4th. (GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED)

Well, their Sewing Notions Set is all about that. First, I have to say that I love their packaging. For me, the way something is packaged is part of the experience (which is why I still prefer sending out invitations and thank yous in actual envelopes with stamps). The type on the box is actually embossed--so tactile. Looks like letterpress, which you've often heard me say that I love. Inside all the notions are neatly tucked into kraftboard holders. Isn't it lovely to look at? So graphic. I love the impact of the black and white with craft. And I love that each item is individually wrapped and labels. Makes it seem so carefully selected, which it is.

After admiring it for a bit I had to dig in...

I love the look and feel of these black steel wide bow scissors. Practical and beautiful. They seem to be totally capable of snipping little threads, or even yarn, while looking cool.

I could use a set of sharp needles such as these--I'm always hunting for the one or two among my straight pins. And, I have to admit since adopting reading glasses a few years ago the needle threader is starting to make sense!

Who remembers playing with thimbles as a child. They seem a bit antiquated now, which is too bad since they do serve a great function. There are too many plastic ones in my opinion. This metal one is beautiful.

Inside its glassine envelope and out.

I don't know if you can see it but it says "ENGLAND" in raised letters around the base. The top is open so one can still feel the fabric. Nice.

Tailor's chalk! Reminds me of the time I would go with my father to pick out a suit and watch as the seamstress made marks for hemming. This is another one of those curiously seldom seen notions

I'm excited to have some for myself. I think this will be a great way to mark hems for my girls--much less scary than me holding a bunch of straight pins in my teeth!

Speaking of pins, I used the dressmaking pins on my last sewing project. Used the seam ripper too. They worked just as expected. I may be partial to pins with the colored balls on top for most projects, however these very fine pins would be great for working with more delicate fabrics.

So, there you have the Merchant & Mills Sewing Notions Set. Most of what you would expect (I didn't mention the measuring tape but it's in there--I love it in black and white) and a few new things (for instance, I am excited to try the beeswax made on my thread before threading a needle). Packaged in an ever so fun way. This is a kit for the connoisseur. It's more about the origins of the items than a true discernible difference in their function. It's not inexpensive ($75.00), but it is currently sold out! That certainly says something about the satisfying DIY trend. This is not the thing to buy for your niece to take to Home Ec, but perhaps something for your experienced sewist friend who is also an Anglophile (the beeswax and tailor's chalk were made by the same companies that supply Saville Row). Or maybe this is just the hint to drop for yourself for Mother's Day.

You have to visit Kaufmann Mercantile's page describing this set because the copy is so inspiring! As a former marketer it really impressed me--I was totally pulled in! I do think the right tools make a difference, and this line just spoke to me: This is a great starter set, but if you’ve been suffering through bad notions, upgrading to these pieces will revive your love of the craft. Maybe because I am constantly suffering through less-than-ideal tools. Seems easier than stopping to improve them!
And check out some of the other cool products they've curated. I would like to try the waterproofing wax. Perhaps it's the way to wean from oilcloth?


Would you like to have one these sewing kits in your life? Kaufmann Mercantile is giving one away to a reader. To enter you may (multiple entries possible):
  1. Visit the page for the Merchant & Mills Sewing Notions Set and leave me a comment below telling me something about it. What intrigues you? What did you enjoy most?
  2. Follow Aesthetic Nest (via Blogger or Google Reader) and leave me a comment letting me know.
  3. Visit Kaufmann Mercantile and leave me a comment mentioning a product you wish were yours.
  4. "Like" Aesthetic Nest on Facebook and leave me a comment about it.
  5. Subscribe to the RSS Feed for Aesthetic Nest and leave me a comment letting me know.
You have until the end of the day April 4th to leave comments here to enter, after which I will pick a random winner and announce it in a new post. Best of luck!


1 – 200 of 239   Newer›   Newest»
Bekah said...

I'm planning to order horsehair dust broom. Kids just broke the handle off my current one. If their products are half as durable as they state, I'm in love. With eight kids, I know they'll be put to the test.

Bekah said...

I follow your blog on Google Reader!

Brindy Ayn said...

Those wide bow scissors are fabulous.

Brindy Ayn said...

i follow on reader as well.

Bekah said...

I love the idea of using the wax on button thread! We're always losing buttons around here.

CBH said...

...'And in this day of cheap and disposable don't we appreciate well-made products we can invest in for the long term?.

YES! I will always, always choose service and quality over cheap and zero service.

There is something about this set, this isn't immediately clear, but is so desirable, I love the red needle case.

The thimble also means your nail is never in the way (a friend of mine has started using leather thimbles and is a total convert).

Oh, I hope I'm lucky enough to win this.

I like you on FB already and I think I finally figured out how to subscribe, so fingers crossed (now back to what I'm meant to be doing!)


knitterlydesigns said...

I love this set. After carefully sewing a grosgrain ribbon into a sweater buttonband with notions from my 7th grade Home Ec class (which is over 20 years old), I need an upgrade! I love the fine quality of the notions they offer.

knitterlydesigns said...

I subscribe via e-mail and google reader

Emily said...

Love the packaging and contents. :) I can always use some straight needles and should get a thimble. :)

Emily said...

I follow your lovely blog. :)

knitterlydesigns said...

I checked out Kaufman's site and that little red wallet has my name on it!

Jessica said...

I follow your blog with Blogger. :)

Jessica said...

What I love most about the sewing kit(as I can't really comment on usability - yet ;)is the packaging designs. LOVE. I've always thought that things ought to be useful and beautiful at the same time. Also, the Britishyness of it. I realise that's not a word, but I love anything with a vintage British feel.

val said...

I LOVE that all the products are such high quality AND the packaging. It just appeals to me!

mattvaleiler at gmail dot com

Jessica said...

What I'd really like is the Wooden beavertail snowshoes. I've always wanted to try snowshoeing :)

Keren said...

Already follow you in Google Reader.

As for the Kaufman Mercantile Store - I haven't made it past the first page yet but have to say that, among other things, the Otter Wax has caught my eye. I'm planning on making myself a small picnic blanket to take to work and was going to use old denim for the bottom, waterproofing it would be fantastic!

Sherry said...

I'm a sucker for nostalgic looking items. The sewing kit is nice, I'm also loving the razors and shave kits.

RedSparrow said...

Be still my heart! Oh, I think I am in love with all of it! My life will never be complete without one of these gorgeous kits! So many things I never knew I needed so badly! I think the tailor's chalk intrigues me the most; is all tailor's chalk beige?

Julia said...

Oh my gosh, everything is so pretty and sturdy looking. I liked so many things, the needles in the turned wooden container, the hand drill... I would love that notions set. Thanks for the giveaway!

Amy said...

I'm really intrigued by the tailor's beeswax! I wonder if it works?

Amy said...

I subscribe to the Aesthetic Nest RSS feed!

Amy said...

I love the canvas bike saddle bag, how cool.

Sharon said...

I follow your blog through blogger, and love every bit of it. Your girls are adorable, and I constantly look at your blog for inspiration, and have actually made a couple things! My next will be sewing for a new grandaughter!

Sharon said...

Also just went to the mercantile sight, the camera straps are awesome!

Addie K said...

I follow Aesthetic Nest on google reader!

my pocketbook said...

i 'liked' you on facebook! but truthfully....i liked you (no...i LOVED you) way before i 'liked' you on facebook! please count me in on the giveaway! i'm triple dog crossing my digits!

Addie K said...

Wow, so many cool things about this sewing kit: I particularly dig the black and white tape measure made in Germany. I would love to own Tailor's chalk and beeswax for my sewing kit. The packaging is so old world classic, love it!

Addie K said...

If I had to pick just one thing from the Kaufmann Mercantile store it would be the enamelware storage containers in red for my new open kitchen shelves: stylish and practical! Thank you for the giveaway of the sewing notions kit.

Melankalia said...

Despite the fact that I actually need everything in the Notions Set, I think what I love about it the most is the artwork on the boxes. It is so reminiscent of some of the vintage notion boxes that I found in the drawers of my grandmother's antique treadle sewing machine. It makes me so happy to know that quality things like this are still in production.

Melankalia said...

I cannot say that there is *anything* I dislike from the Kaufmann Mercantile, but if I had to pick one thing I cannot live without, it would be the Asian Vegetable Seeds. I am a bit obsessed with unusual plant varieties, and if the seeds just happen to come in interesting looking packets? Even better!

Also, I "liked" Aesthetic Nest on facebook (I'm Melankalia Stamabug there).

Alyssa C said...

I love how sophisticated it looks! Those scissors are quite snazzy, my current sewing set is very beat up, I would love to have a set like this one! alncorcoran(at)gmail(dot)com

Alyssa C said...

I follow your RSS feed through Google reader! alncorcoran(at)gmail(dot)com

Rachel said...

I love the beauty of this set! The box, packaging, and description of everything was pleasant to read and look at. I'd love to actually have this set. It would be wonderful when I'm working on quilts

Rachel said...

I follow your lovely blog through Blogger

Melissa Graham said...

Oh my the beautiful things I have seen! The hand blown coffee pot and the lunch containers. I am in love.

Melissa Graham said...

I am a blogger follower.

Melissa Graham said...

Love the way their website feels like you just stepped into a mercantile out of a historical novel. Makes you want to visit them in person.

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

I'm already a follower on Google Reader!

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

Kaufman Mercantile has several items I'd love to own. I like the old fashioned feel of their products. Love the blanket, the canning jars, the beeswax items, the hairbrushes. Nice stuff!

Kim@Snug Harbor said...

I liked you on FB as well!

Anniegi said...

Im following your blog via rss. I love Kaufman Mercantile. They have beautiful, quality products. Their kitchen tools, garden tools, knives, etc, etc. A new sewing notions kit would be awesome. Hope I win. Thanks for the giveaway.

Janie Forman said...

I love the beeswax! Its an item I never thought to include in my sewing kit, but I can't wait to see how it helps me thread my needle.

C said...

I have been following for a while now, but I love the Merchant and Mills Sewing Kit! I've been needing more tailor's chalk and beeswax, and who doesn't need more sewing pins?

Heidi said...

I follow via rss

Heidi said...

I had fun looking at website. They have a lot of cool stuff. I really like the packaging of the sewing kit.

Janie Forman said...

How lovely are the canning jars and bottles in the Mercantile. And how have I survived without a tube wringer?

Rachel said...

There sure are a lot of neat things to wish for! I think I'd really like to have Canvas Backpack in green. It looks pretty and really useful.

Rachel said...

I like you on fb :)

alisa said...

I checked out Kaufman the edc kit! What a great gift for a guy ( or girl) who has everything!

alisa said...

From the kit, the vintage thimble is my fave!

alisa said...

I follow you on fb.

alisa said...

I'm subscribed thru google reader. Your blog is beautiful.

cali said...

i love the
Duluth Pack Canvas Backpack (Green)
on their website...although when I looked at everything there was a bunch of stuff that I could I take all of the knifes!

cali said...

What I like about their website, not too many gaudy colors, mostly black and white with a few colors

cali said...

and I already follow you on blogger

Venessa said...

Love your blog and I would like that sewing box. Love the vintage look. I would also like to try the wax.

Lizzy said...

I am a follower!
--Lizzy S.

Lizzy said...

I "Like" on Facebook. In fact, I have for months.
--Lizzy S.

Lizzy said...

I subscribe to the feed.
--Lizzy S.

SimchasJewels said...

I subscribed! :)

SimchasJewels said...

Liked you on facebook as well.

SimchasJewels said...

Oh. My. Goodness. I went to the Kaufmann site. So much wonderful stuff. The knives look awesome. However, I have a tendency to cut myself when I get a sharp knife, so I would probably steer clear of those. The hand blown coffeemaker looks interesting. (and I would have to worry about losing an appendage!)

SimchasJewels said...

The sewing kit looks amazing. I love vintage items, so I am really drawn to the look of this. The tailor's chalk is interesting and the fact that it is the same that is used on Seville Row makes it all the more so.

Renee said...

i love that the thimble is open at the tip! Honestly I never used them because I don't like the feel of the top of it against my nail and I like to feel my fabric. If I had this set I would do more hand stiching and quicker! Beautiful set...

Bari Jo said...

I liked the Merchant and Mills Spanish Lace pins. Thank you for the opportunity to be entered into the drawing! It looks like a really nice set of sewing notions! Love reading your blog! :O)

lydia.purple said...

I just looked at the Merchant and Mills Sewing Notions page and I am impressed and absolutely love that they choose their products so carefully, Made in England, Made in Germany, Made in Czech Rep. stamps instead of Made in China! I love that. And the packaging is just worth getting this Notion Set and any other!

tawn said...

I love this notions set. I learn to sew from my mom and a home ec class. I bought my first and only sewing machine 40 years ago. My husband (then my boyfriend) bought the cabinet that it sits in. I have spendt many happy hours at my maching. We are expecting our first grandchild so I will be sitting there again and this notions set would be used greatly.

Thank you.

Joanna said...

Oh, to have some high quality needles! Hand-me-downs and left-overs can only get you so far. :)

Joanna said...

I follow Aesthetic Nest on google.

Joanna said...

I "liked" Aesthetic Nest on fb

Joanna said...

I would love to purchase their Japanese Kraft Envelopes. There are just so many possibilities!

Joanna said...

I subscribed to your RSS feed too!

SewSweetStitches said...

I'm a blog subscriber

sewsweetstitches_on_etsy at yahoo

SewSweetStitches said...

I'd love to try the pins in that kit, I'm used to using cheap ones that snag or even saving the little pins out of my husband's dress shirt packages because I'm always losing them!

sewsweetstitches_on_etsy at yahoo

SewSweetStitches said...

I went straight to their office supplies section, looking at all those classic staplers and pens made my palms sweat!

sewsweetstitches_on_etsy at yahoo

Christina said...

That thimble is "intriguing!" I'm always at a loss as to where my thimble and it's awful not to have one when you need one!

Christina said...

I "like" you on facebook!

Christina said...

I follow you in google reader.

Christina said...

I checked out the website, and I gotta say I'd never heard of a bottle opener and RESEALER, and now I really want one!

Unknown said...

What a great kit, and a fun store. I signed up for their newsletter and already got a $7.00 coupon that I will put toward the waterproofing Otter wax. I also love the idea of the wax to strengthen the thread, I never knew you could do that! They have a ton of other fun products, even the Japanese kraft envelopes are cool. I spent awhile looking at all the things I now "need". Thanks for the chance to win this. I would love to win it!! Marnie Peck

LIJ said...

Did you see that the notions set is sold out? Bummer, but kind of good for my wallet. I would just love the Merchant & Mills Spanish Lace Pins. I use lace pins for almost everything. Kinda makes me feel fancy and old fashioned. Like sending a real letter in an envelope, I suppose.

Unknown said...

I love that the thimble is open at the top! I would love to try a thimble like that. Normally I use leather ones, because I like that they are open.

Unknown said...

I subscribe through google reader

Unknown said...

I like on FB

Unknown said...

The sewing kit is awesome, but I think I would really like the EDC kit. looks VERY useful

Unknown said...

I subscribe to the RSS feed

Stephanie said...

Taylor's beeswax! This is new to me and so amazing.

Stephanie said...

I also follow you by reader (google).

Nancy said...

I do a lot of alterations. This has everything I need for doing the alterations.

Nancy said...

Follower via Blogger/GFC

Nancy said...

Follower via Blogger/GFC

Nancy said...

I would love to own the DeWit Garden Tool Set

Nancy said...

I like you on FB

Nancy said...

Follow you RSS feed vie Google reader

Stephanie said...

I could really use that Everyday Carry Keychain Screwdrivers.

J M said...

Oh thank you! Signed up for email! Love beeswax! When handsewing it keeps thread from being tangeled!

jeanne said...

I would so love to win this. I follow you on Google.

Thanks for all the info..

free indeed said...

You didn't mention the seam ripper or I missed it but that is one notion I find just doesn't last or do well for long...will be anxious to try this one! Also free ship on a $25 purchase...great incentive to shop!

Anonymous said...

I will probably get the shoe brushes. they look sturdy

This kit should come in handy for me since I always carry a project around that I am working on.

free indeed said...

I now follow via google; I am already receiving your email posts. So much to see and DO on this blog!

free indeed said...

I liked the deerskin wallet...looks so supple and soft. The Pendleton wool blanket too is calling my name ;)

auntiejenni said...

oh wow....i'm smitten. i love this little kit, of course, but i'm crazy about the picking basket, the japanese kraft envelopes, anyone of the tools and outdoor items, the spices....holy cow. it's an awesome site. i might even order the leather conditioner soon. it's a great site!

auntiejenni said...

the thing i found most intriguing about this sewing kit/set is the's vintage look with the beautiful fonts. the way every item is tucked so carefully in its place. it invites discovery. it's joy in a box. i want to play with every single thing in there. i would keep every wrapper to use for something else...even the box. whoever designed this is a genius. pure genius.

Holly S. said...

I love the way they thought of everything and even intend for you to use the box it came in as a notions box. I also love that they provide use tips on the listing. Thanks!

Holly S. said...

I follow you via email to hstorm799{at}gmail{dot}com

auntiejenni said...

i've been a follower of your blog for over a year. love it. love you.

Holly S. said...

I LOVE that they are stocked with a "useful" array of items. Looking around makes me feel like I've gone back in time and I'd love to have their all of their Asian Vegetable Seeds.

Holly S. said...

I added your RSS feed to my Google Reader (Holly Storm)

Sara said...

I love the little scissors and the beeswax and it's packaged so nicely!

Sara said...

I follow Asthetic Nest on google reader

DeniseMarie said...

I follow you on Google Reader :-)

DeniseMarie said...

Neat stuff on their website - I loved the office supplies - so elegant! And, of course, Weck canning jars, and I loved the purse flask, so pretty! I've always wanted one, although I'm not sure what I'd put in it, because I'm not much of a drinker...

DeniseMarie said...

I really want that thimble! I need one, but all I could find were these wierd plastic-y ones, yuck! And I like that the top is open - I've never seen that before.

amlanders said...

This kit is so classy! said...

Oh! Love the bees wax! i have such a hard time threading needles manually! that would really help! said...

I already follow you by email!

Debbie said...

Like you on FB said...

Oh! *dreamy sigh* the Caran D'Ache Ecridor Rollerball Pen would be amazing! I LOVE a good pen! I do a lot of writing and love the feel of a nice pen in my hand.

Debbie said...

Get you email...Love you blog! said...

Liked you on FB and said Hi! (Melle Eldridge)

Debbie said...

Visited the Merchant & mills Sewing Notions page and LOVE the fact that the box the kit comes in was choosen to work for years as a sewing box! They though of everything with this kit!

Debbie said...

They have WONDERFUL things...many I would love! The Chemex coofee maker is 1st on my list! I would love to try the Weck jars so they woud be a great thing to get and all of the enamelware, especially the slotted ladle! And that is just the Kitchen section! Love the EDC kit...ok, I can see I am in a shopping mood!

Mary Beth S said...

This is such a beautiful sewing kit. It's really great to see you using it, though! I especially love the scissors and the tapemeasure.

Debi said...

I went to their website and the kit page and I am so appreciative that they tell you how to use and care for the kit items. This information will allow you to keep the items in great shape as you enjoy them!

Mary Beth S said...

On the Kaufmann Mercantile site there is so much to drool over. Hard to choose, but I would love the beautiful camera strap.

Breathing In Grace said...

I would love to own the sewing kit. I love how it's packaged so very neatly and would really like to own those precious little scissors!!!

Breathing In Grace said...

I follow you via Google Friend Connect and also e-mail!

Breathing In Grace said...

I "like" you on Facebook and follow you on Twitter!

Breathing In Grace said...

I really like the canning jars on the Kaufmann Mercantile site!

Karen said...

Beautiful notions! Your blog led me to Kaufmann Mercantile, which I never would have found on my own.

Hyeyoung said...

I love Weck jars. I love canning jars but the Weck ones are so classic and pretty and simple.

Hyeyoung said...

I subscribe to Aesthetic Nest via email.

Lexy said...

I follow your blog on Google Reader and I would totally get something from the cleaning section (broom, most likely) from Kaufmann.

annemarie said...

I visited their page and love their use of black and white. Tape measure is 60 inches long - this is great.

annemarie said...

I am an email subscriber/follower of your blog.

annemarie said...

I love their enamelware kitchen set.

annemarie said...

I like you on FB.

christinebolin said...

Kaufmann Mercantile has Dutch's Colonial Cocktail Bitters. I remeber learning about bitters while in college. If you get hiccups, put bitters on a wedge of lemon, then suck on it and I promise you won't have hiccups after that.

Bioarchjones said...

i love how they describe the notions set and the pictures are also very clear and crisp.

Bioarchjones said...

i already follow you on blogger/google

Bioarchjones said...

on the website, the product i would want the most is the garden tools set, they handles look really comfortable and they look like nice quality tools.

Bioarchjones said...

and i just liked you on facebook

arnts1ta said...

I absolutely enjoyed their website because every item was like a "one of a kind" item that I would love to give someone as a gift because I know they would truely cherish it.

Helen said...

These just might be the dressmaking pins I've been searching for / dreaming about all my life!!!!
Thanks for this giveaway! (just in case I'm chosen) :o)

arnts1ta said...

One of the items I really wish were mine from their website is the Duluth Pack Canvas Tote Bag in Black. It looks like it is made with such quality that it would hold up to much use, the black would keep it from looking dirty and it's stylish at the same time.

arnts1ta said...

I have 'liked' you on Facebook, thanks for this great giveaway!

Gail Lloyd said...

I have always wanted to try beeswax, and chalk. I love the scissors, and the measuring tape! I only have cheap sewing items, and I would treasure this kit! I love your blog, and thank you for the chance to win!

Little Ella Lu said...

I love that they found the items in some unusual places, like the vintage thimbles.

Little Ella Lu said...

I follow your blog.

Lisa said...

I like the thimble with the hole in the end... to neat!

Lisa said...

I follow your blog!

Lisa said...

I follow your blog!

Lisa said...

Love the french rolling pin!

Little Ella Lu said...

I've been ogling their sewing kit for a while now.

Jeffrey & Shannon said...

There is so much about this notions set that intrigues me... I want to try those scissors That are "sharp from point to tip"... The thimble that smartly lets your finger feel the fabric... I want to know if the pressed metal needle threader is really the "last one I'll ever own", since I've never found one worth keeping at all... This set is so beautiful and nostalgic.. My grandmother was a superb seamstress, and these notions conjure up fond memories of her work station. What a lovely giveaway!

Anonymous said...

This summer I'm teaching a newlywed and school teacher how to sew. I'd love to give her this box of notions to start her off.
As well all know too well, teachers don't have a lot of money to drop into "notions". Tks

Jeffrey & Shannon said...

Visited Kauffman-mercantile & began daydreaming about the Market & Fruit-picking basket. This would be wonderful splurge for our blueberry-picking family... And the season is almost upon us!

Jeffrey & Shannon said...

'liked' you on Facebook... What a beautiful blog..

jcinerari said...

I would like to explore the uses for beeswax as I have never used it in sewing before.

Hillary W said...

Ooh I need the tailor's chalk, kid chalk doesnt work that well!

Hillary W said...

My mother-in-law and I do so much summer harvesting, the Kauffman fruit basket would be put to good use!

Karen Moss said...

Oh My. What goodies. The Dovo paper scissors are calling to me, but then there is the enamel lunch box!

rads said...

the notions set is a beauty.. i wish i could splurge on a couple and save one for my daughter...

rads said...

I love their asian seeds. i really like all their stuff though!

rads said...

i follow you on google reader

rads said...

i also have your RSS feed on

amlanders said...

I already mentioned this on FB, but for those of you reading the comments...I think it would be neat to "deconstruct" the packaging and make a picture/collage/framed wall hanging - with each one mounted or cut out of a mat space. It's just too pretty to be sitting in a sewing drawer!

A said...

I "Like" Aesthetic Nest on Facebook. I haven't sewed in a long time. All the women in my family (mom, aunts, grandmothers) were seamstresses. My late grandmother had one of those foot-pedaled Singer machines. The Sewing Notions Set reminds me of that time.

The Kaufmann Mercantile store has some really cool stuff. Loving the Enamelware Coffee Mug!

Anonymous said...

Ya' gotta' love well-made tools and using said quality tools. The Merchant & Mills sewing notions kit sure looks to fit that bill. It would be a quality product to give my daughter, who is just setting up housekeeping with her hubby. The tailor's thimble is what I found most interesting -- remember my English mother-in-law only using that type and saying it was the only kind to have!
Karen S in OH

Anonymous said...

Do subscribe via RSS feed and via email. Sorry, don't do Facebook.
Karen S in OH

Anonymous said...

Browsed Kaufman Mercantile -- wow, what site. Love their line of kitchen enamelware, and their Chemex Handblown Coffeemaker was another favorite of my MIL's. Stopped to drool over the DeWit garden tools and Weck canning jars (that I've promised self one day). The Japanese craft envelopes are too cute and are a must buy! Have forwarded their site to family and friends to enjoy.
Karen S in OH

Aili said...

I didn't know that beeswax could make your buttons stay on longer. I'd love to try that.

Aili said...

I subscribe to your RSS

Elizabeth said...

Oh my goodness I am smitten. I am such a sucker for beautiful packaging! Anytime that I have come across tailor's beeswax in the past I have wondered what it was for. Now I know from the kit description that it is the unsung hero of sewing and it can keep those pesky buttons in place longer. Just what every girl needs!

Elizabeth said...

I have defiantly added Kaufman Mercantile to my list of online shops to find unique gifts in. After the notions kit, I would want the EDC Kit. Such a smart idea.

Lindsay said...

I love the packaging on this set, it has such a nice vintage feel to it.

Lindsay said...

I follow your blog through google reader.

Kelli said...

I browsed Kaufman Mercantile. I'd love to have the notions kit. I was drawn to the enamelware.

Kelli said...

I "liked" you on Facebook (and Pinterest).

Deanna said...

Love the scissors...I always need a good pair of those.

Deanna said...

Liked you on FB:)

Deanna said...

subscribed to your RSS feed...I'd love to win this!

Deanna said...

Visited Kaufman Mercantile--the wooden paddle hairbrushes look great. I might need one of those.

tealeaver said...

What joy I would have to own this sewing kit! Although I would love to try the beeswax, and chalk, I also love the scissors, measuring tape, all of the items look so nice. I've never used such good quality items, but would be very excited to try. Thank you for the chance.

Meghan said...

I've never heard of tailor's beeswax before seeing this set. Definitely intriguing and would be so useful to have stronger thread for buttons.

Meghan said...

I follow Aesthetic Nest on Google Friend Connect (which is I assume what you mean by following on Blogger.)

Meghan said...

A product from Kaufmann Merchantile I wish were mine is the stainless steel food mill. I'm expecting my first baby any day now, and it seems like the perfect product for making homemade baby food in a few months.

Seaweed and Raine said...

I follow you through blogger, and as of an hour or so ago, through Google Reader. :)

Claudia said...

I have followed your blog faithfully since I ran across it about a year and a half ago. I feel we are kindred spirits. I too have sewn since I was a little girl. I love all aspects of sewing, home decor and especially childrens clothing. I love the aricle on Kaufmann Merchantile. I had no idea there were such cool sewing notions.. Thank you for all you post..

Marlena said...

I love the high quality of the products. It really stands out in our disposable society.

Marlena said...

I have followed your blog for a long time in Google Reader.

Marlena said...

i would love to have the Duluth Pack Canvas Backpack.

Robin said...

I love that site. I got lost in it!
I love the fact that the supplies come in a reusable box.

Robin said...

I follow your blog via email and google

Robin said...

I like you on face book

Robin said...

I would love to have the EDC tool kit

Carla said...

This is what i call the real stuff!! I love things that are strong (and stylish) enough to survive me. And... I'm sewing a lot lately. I think the sewing set is just made for me!

A said...

I like the simple, sleek color palette they chose for their packaging.

maggie said...

I love the giveaway, what a great sewing kit!

maggie said...

I follow you on Google

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