Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Crafting: Scarlett's Birthday Party Invites
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Knitting: Finally! An Eyelet Dress for Scarlett

I feel like this project has taken me forever! And I couldn't move on to my other long list of fun things until I finished it. Finally, it is finished and I think it is beautiful and I love Scarlett in it!
Part of the delay was the difficulty--following this pattern required my full attention, which I didn't always have to give. I tore out and changed needles to fix the gauge, I tore out to fix mistakes, I knitted slowly. The back of the dress took years it seemed. But then, happily, the front went much more quickly as I had the pattern memorized and didn't have to check as often.
I ordered the Rebecca Baby magazine including this pattern over a year ago and thought I'd make it in cream and pale blue to match Audrey's pale blue crochet dress. I think both dresses are so timeless. I was motivated to start by the idea of a family photo, but that fell apart, and then I was consumed by sewing summer dresses, and then I realized summer was about over and I had half a summer dress for Scarlett that I'd better finish if she were ever to wear it.
I thought about cutting bait a few days ago. I'm glad I stuck with it. I also had to make little slips for them to wear underneath.
I used Paton's Grace yarn in Natural and Sky. I love the mercenized cotton.
Couldn't quite get the photos I was hoping for, but still, don't they look sweet?
Friday, September 18, 2009
Painting: Beach Day Portrait

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sewing: Oilcloth Tablecloths
I can't get enough of these super easy table cloths. I love oilcloth. I love the bright patterns and slick texture. I love how easily they wipe clean. I don't love the fact that they're made with PVC, but I'm hoping limited exposure isn't a big deal!
Oilcloth: Mendel's, Oilcloth by the Yard, Fabric.com, Doxie Shop, Denver Fabrics
Rickrack for a great price at http://www.doveoriginalstrims.com/
PATTERN (Instructions)
Table Cloth/ Splat mat
- Yardage: 3 yards for picnic table length; 1 ½ yards to cut to 47” square; or any desired length…
- Notions: Jumbo rick rack (5/8” wide; 1 ¼” from zig to zag) (5 ½ yards for 45” square; 9 yards for 3 yard cloth)
- How to: Cut tablecloth/splat mat to desired length (for 47” square, fold on diagonal and trim to square) and edge with rick rack (position so rick rack is centered on the edge and top stitch close to edge).
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Sewing: Child's Oilcloth Artist Smocks
Oilcloth: Mendel's, Oilcloth by the Yard, Fabric.com, Doxie Shop, Denver Fabrics Rickrack for a great price at http://www.doveoriginalstrims.com/
- Yardage: 1 yard (1 yard will do 2 child’s smocks)
- Notions: 2 packages Wrights extra wide double-fold bias tape (1 package is 3 yards) (you need about 4 yards for one smock); 5” elastic (5/8”-1” wide) for each smock
- How to: Trace the Joy School pattern (or the one you developed) on wrong side of oilcloth and cut around outline. Seam bind along entire perimeter. Pin edge of shoulder straps ("rabbit ears") to top curve of apron, forming an arm hole, and stitch shoulder straps along apron seam binding stitching line. Stitch elastic across the middle of the shoulder straps in the back.
**NOTE 4/28/10: I just went to one of my oilcloth resources, Mendel's, and read this warning on their site about using oilcloth for children under twelve. "There is no lead in the oilcloth, but the levels of Phthalates are too high to comply with the new standards for items which are going to be sold and are intended to be used by children under 12 years old. So you can still make and sell bags and other things created with oilcloth but items like bibs and splat-mats cannot be sold." What a bummer. I haven't had much luck finding the perfect substitute in a more health and enviro-friendly form. I need to research some more!**