I knew I would run out of time if I tried knitting sweaters for both Audrey and Scarlett this Christmas. Not to mention my original idea of a gorgeous Debbie Bliss coat knit on size 5 needles. I should have started that in June! I wanted to use some skirts we received as a gift a couple years ago (one for Audrey and and a couple for her cousins, including older cousin Grace, which now fit Audrey and Scarlett!). There are darling dark red with brown polka dots and tulle underslips from Gap Kids. I wanted to do brown sweaters and use this great plaid ribbon I found in brown, dark red and off white.

For Scarlett, I pulled out a sweater I had knit for Audrey her first Christmas. This cute green asymetrical cardigan. Looks great with the skirt.

I found the blouses at Janie and Jack during last year's sale. They are beautiful with silk collars
I love Audrey's boots with this ensemble. All in all the outfits turned out great, and not too fussy, which is more fun for the girls, without a crazy amount of effort.
Merry Christmas!