Monday, February 11, 2013

Knitting: Boatneck Sweater with Gold Buttons

What, are you kidding me? A knitting project?! I get so distracted by smaller projects that it's difficult to finish something more significant. I started this sweater for Audrey last October and it's taken me until now to finish it. Rather than working on it with focus I would pick it up when I was leaving town (which is not very often) since it was portable and so many things are not.

But then I realized that one doesn't really have the luxury of months to finish a project for a growing girl! I barely made it. The sweater was supposed to sit a bit lower on her hips. So I've been working on it the past few evenings to get it done, which has been so nice! Reminded me of when I was pregnant and every evening after the girls' bedtime we would settle in front of the TV and I would pull out some knitting or crochet to work on. It really is relaxing like nothing else.

This sweater is "The Dynamic Duo" pattern by Kristi Porter, published in Knitty back in the Spring of 2003. I substituted a different yarn: Lion Brand's Nature's Choice Organic Cotton in the color Macadamia. I bought the yarn years ago with a couple ideas for it and am glad I finally used it! It's got a great nubby texture, is super soft and I love the color. We'll see how it holds up...
Audrey likes it. And that's what really counts.
I followed the pattern with a few modifications, which I'm including here in case I want to do it again or any of you would like to try the pattern with this yarn. My gauge was a bit different with this yarn, so I knit a gauge swatch with size 7 circular needles and measured Audrey and figured out I should knit the sweater in a size four. I also wanted to lengthen the boxy shape of the sweater (turns out after the time it took me I should have added even more length!) and make taller ribbed section--I love the ribbing! So I knit 12 rows of ribbing (about 3 inches) and knit until the sweater was 8 1/2 inches long before beginning the armhole shaping
Audrey picked the gold buttons out of my button stash. I like the shine on this sweater and the fact that they are in the same color family as the yarn. I picked up her sweater skirt at Target a couple years ago and have been saving it for this ensemble. Cute and comfortable!
With this yarn this sweater looks positively handmade, which I love. I didn't even block it (maybe I should have?) because when I finished it waws laying as I thought it should and the stitches had a regular irregularity. It makes me want to knit more.
If Audrey outgrows it next week at least there are two younger sisters who will happily inherit it!


Meredith said...

It's adorable, Audrey is adorable, I guess it is an adorable post. I love that yarn and have made several baby blankets with it.

Annelies said...

I too love to fact leaving in moments to spend time knitting with my sweet Mom who is prolific at 90!!!!

Have you tried Hobby Lobby's "I love Cotton" favorite, because it does seem to hold up nicely. I finished anothe cotton sweater ( Lion Brand) and I am seriously thinking of ditching it. It has pilled and is so misshapen, and I am not sure it is even worthy of my sweet Clare wearing it. XXX

cllcraft said...

I love all of your projects, and I'm inspired to try this super cute one too. Your girls are always so adorable as models! Thanks for the great ideas and tutorials.

Bari Jo said...

I hope to learn to knit soon! I have had so much fun with crochet the last two years and made many baby cloche's and decorate tshirts with crochet stars etc. This sweater is soooo cute! I love the perfect handmade look it has - gorgeous! Your posts always bring a smile to my face! Your beautiful girls are so much fun to see as your models!

Seaweed and Raine said...

It looks really good - I'm guessing that Scarlet is hoping big sis will grow out of it soon? And I love the skirt. Great combo Anneliese :)
Sheree xo
(P.S. I've made some more hats from your baby cloche pattern - they got sent to two sweet twin baby girls)

Delia said...

I love love this sweater! Very nice work Anneliese.

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