Wednesday, February 22, 2012

FYI: Head-Over-Heels in Crochet

You’ve probably noticed that crochet has made a comeback. Likely because of the increased interest in DIY and all things handmade. I've love seeing it as trim on women’s dresses and skirts, adorning cute baby layettes, constructing market bags, children’s toys, and home accessories (beyond the ratty afghans you may have inherited from your grandma-- I have them too). I love the bright colored granny square accessories that I’m seeing all over as well as the vintage-pattern baby saques. And my latest fascination is crochet area rugs--so fabulous! Can't wait to try one.

It's safe to say, I'm head-over-heels in crochet! I love it! So I'm starting a series to include some how-to (for those of you who've might have penned "learn to crochet" on your list of resolutions this year), some new patterns, some guest perspectives and a giveaway or two. Are you in?

Let me gush on a bit more: crochet has rebounded because it is versatile, beautiful, always handmade (did you know that, unlike knitting, crochet can’t be reproduced by a machine?), and is a great way to incorporate some modern vintage or bohemian style. Plus, there are so many gorgeous fiber options available. We've moved way past the frizzy nylon yarns you may associated with crochet from years past.

I love having a project in the works and crochet is perfect for anyone similarly inclined, because you can make progress on a creative project while doing something else: flying, chatting with friends, watching tv, even riding (not driving) cross-country. And I find the handwork therapeutic. In fact, I think they've done studies on knitting and crochet and their ability to reduce stress.

One more plug: While I love knitting too, crochet is comparatively easy to do because:

• Crochet uses one implement (a single hook) rather than two (a pair of needles) and only has one active yarn loop at a time, both of which make it less complicated. You don't have to be quite so coordinated.
• Crochet is more forgiving! It’s easier to drop your project and pick it up again without losing your work (no stitches sliding off needles). It’s also easier to “fake it” as long as you fake it consistently! You can often make adjustments to fix past mistakes without tearing out your work. And, unlike knitting, there is no possibility of a line of stitches unraveling before your eyes.
• Crochet projects work up more quickly (great for the beginner and the impatient) because the “fabric” of crochet is more open—your stitches go farther.

Convinced?  Stay tuned.
This sort of bliss loves company.


Kim@Snug Harbor said...

I am SO excited about your new series!! It couldn't have come at a better time for me. I just started to learn and I'm half done with my 1st scarf. Its thrilling when what I'm making is beginning to actually LOOK like what I'm making. LOL! I am dying to make granny squares, which is the reason I started to learn in the first place.

Erica said...

I can't wait to see more on this, I learned to crochet in college but haven't done much at all since then, I'd love some inspiration!

Erin said...

Yeah, I am so excited. I love to crochet and looking at all your projects always gives me so much motivation. I have made several of the cowls, bought the pattern for the larger cowl and used several of your other patterns as well.
So excited for some new ideas.

Jeanne said...

Yes, I will definitely be following your crochet series. I have recently retired and have made a few scarves and hats and want to learn as much as I can because I love all things made with yarn! Thank you for sharing - I love your blog!

Rebecca said...

Very exciting! As a crocheter myself in what seems like a knitting world~ I always enjoy the few crochet plugs I can find. I hope your series may include some little girl dress patterns because of all the crocheted dresses I find, your are the most classic and lovely. No one can do lovely like you.

They make me swoon every time.

Leigh Anne said...

I'm so excited! I just recently taught myself to crochet and I love it! Always looking for inspiration so your posts will be so fun ;)

Amy said...

Beautiful pics-love the post!

Jane LaFazio said...

great! I've been yearning to crochet, especially little lacy trims on things. I'm in!

Andie Marie said...

I am totally in love with crochet! I taught myself a little over a year ago and still consider myself a beginner but wow, do I love it! I can't seem to stop looking at yarns, finding patterns and squeezing time to do it in my busy day. I look forward to anything you share about crochet at all. Thanks!

CBH said...

I"m in for sure. Can't wait to see what you share with us.

Crochet is my number one craft, low start-up cost, can do it anywhere in the house (car, or plane as you highlighted) and is so effective. I love it.


Leslie said...

I'm in as well....the point about the machine duplication of knitting was quite interesting - never thought of that.

amib said...

I'm so in! I've befn addicted to crochet for a little over a year and have brought a couple of friends sling for the ride. Can't wait to see what you have in store!! ;)

Meredith said...

I'm with you totally in love with crochet, I love to knit and crochet and I find there is room to do both. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say,

Kimberly F said...

Yay, this will be great! I really want to crochet an area rug, but haven't found a pattern I liked. Can't wait for your patterns and tips!

Unknown said...

Great post - I love your site and all the things you have made. I'm gearing up for crochet week in March and will be linking several of your posts for sure!!

fotolabida maria said...


Bari Jo said...

Yay! Can't wait! I'm in! You have inspired me so much this past year as I've been teaching myself to crochet! I am loving it! Your blog has helped me so much! This will be fun! :O)

Shelley Davis said...

I just have to make crochet cool! I love your blog and the things you do are so inviting.


nicole said...

Yay! I am a knitter who always wanted to learn crochet. Perfect!

One Loop Shy said...

Agreed! Crochet is truly gaining popularity! I look forward to your series . . . Janet, aka OneLoopShy

Misty said...

I can't wait for your crochet series! I made the scarf you show here from one of your previous posts and the gift receiver LOVED it! I'm excited to learn more! Could you maybe include when you start a new row which stitch exactly you should crochet into? My work seems to come out uneven because I don't know if I should go into the very first stitch or the next one. Hope that makes sense! Glad you are back!

Emily said...

Crocheting is awesome in front of the tv or in the front seat of a car. Sadly I had to give it up b/c of carpal tunnel. Happily, now I sew. :)

Anonymous said...

I'll be interested in what you have to say about it. I've found a quite a few things that you've crocheted absolutely beautiful, especially that darling baby bonnet and the cardigan. I myself am squarely in the knitting camp, but I did work on an afghan for my mother based on the Haverhill throw found in Garnet Hill a few years back. It took forever!! As a matter of fact it took so long (and so much more yarn than I expected) that I'm not sure I'll be ready to pick up a hook again before 2021. ;-) Maybe you can change my mind!

Mary-Frances Kenney said...

I am also "head-over-heals" in crochet! I started following your blog because of your crochet patterns and projects. I can't wait to see your patterns and giveaways!

margo@fitzysews said...

Totally in!! I can't wait to begin!

Denise L said...

I love crochet too! My mom taught me when I was 7 or 8 and I learned to make a granny square. My mom was very patient in teaching me she would stop whatever she was doing to help me.

I usually have some crochet project going but for a while there I stopped...and knew I had to get back into it when you posted the little girls snowflake shirts and the twine snowflakes. I had so much fun with them and wondered why I stopped for awhile because I agree, it is good therapy. I recently completed a hat, fingerless gloves, and I am almost done with a scarf.

So, I definitely look forward to what you have coming up. Have a good day, Denise

Kathy said...

Oooh I love crochet, too! I've tried knitting and crochet and crochet is my favorite (coudln't agree more with you on why!) I am really looking forward to what you will be sharing!! Blessings,Kathy

tobecontinued said...

I tried knitting but quickly gave up because crocheting is so much faster and easier for me! I just made a baby turban pattern and posted it on my blog- my first pattern! Can't wait for the series!

Anonymous said...

my hands were made to hook!! i swear my fingers 'jones' for a hook if they haven't had a fix in 2 days :)

looking forward to the series

Maria said...

Wow, that blue crocheted top is stunning I wish I could wear one. I didn't know that a machine could make crochet items, that way you wouldn't have to wait that long to get a jacket from the creator.
I've just started to learn crochet off youtube as my mom is too old to teach me how to make a square, she's even got to use a Tracfone SVC phone specially for seniors needs with the big buttons and letters on the screen.
I prefer crocheted items to knitted items as crochet creates that beautiful lacy, feminine touch that makes you feel special. I'm trying to crochet some white and light blue flowers now for my pale blue afghan in the making. I'm really excited about crochet and all the unique bags and hats and tops you can make to make you look special compared to the accessories you find in the regular chain stores.

Olive said...

Hi Anneliese, i'm definitely in on this. I learnt how to crochet last year (from the internet) and I'm loving it so far. Too bad I may not be able to take part in any of the giveaways because I'm all the way in Kenya but hey, crochet we must. Looking forward to the series!

Anonymous said...

I would love to be a part of this, so count me in!

Resmi... said...

Hi Anneliese,

I totally agree with your views expressed in the post. Especially about the one on stress busting. I can go on crocheting for hours without getting bored or even tired. I try to sneak in some stitches into my projects even when I get a 2 minutes break from my household chores. My husband actually gets bored seeing me while crocheting. Because, as per him, I am doing the same repeated stitches :-)

Looking forward to whatever you are gonna share about crochet. All the best.


Katrine - make it and fake it said...

I am loving the look of the top headbands!!! cool!!! I want to try to make some!!

love K

EMMA said...

I've been crocheting for a little over a year now and I love it. Your spring scarf and cowl are on my list of things to do! Definitely will be following your crochet series.
I didn't know that crochet can't be done on a machine!! learnt something new today, thanks!
Also you sewing tutorials inspired me to buy a sewing machine, unfortunately I'm finding sewing much harder than crochet!

Seaweed and Raine said...

I totally agree with you. I have been knitting fairly simple things for years, but started teaching myself to crochet about 18 months ago. It is quick, easier, and generally relaxing. Bring it on! :)

Randiocoy said...

Yay!! I LOVE crochet! just learning for about a little over a year now! Not super good yet, but done some cute things! Post some rugs! I wanna see I wanna see!! how cool!! I have crocheted "rugs" for my cats to lay on so they dont get my furniture furry! But I would love to have a beautiful hand crocheted rug for my bedroom or living room. Please post the possibilities!

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