Monday, April 16, 2012

Sewing: Easter Dresses, 2012

All three girls in their Easter dresses! I was so happy to have them finished for them to wear Sunday, even if a week late. They are still "Easter" dresses to me. White tights, white shoes, and all.

As you may have gathered from Tess's Easter Dress, I have a bit of a daisy thing going on this Easter. Daisies in yellow, white and blue--periwinkle to be specific. I haven't done much sewing with blue until this Spring it seems (these skirts for instance) and I love it! Blue and white was my mother's favorite combination, and not just for clothing, and I can see why. It's so crisp and fresh and pretty.

I thought these dresses would look just perfect against a backdrop of green and blooming bulbs (it's been one of the prettiest Springs I can remember), but our weather has been moody the last few days and my photo window opened and closed with rainy skies. So indoors it was. A bit of a bummer. Especially since a few hours later it was sunny and clear again, albeit chilly. I tried to suggest putting on the dresses and tights and shoes again but there were no takers! Sometimes it is difficult...times three.

I decided to add a couple more daisies to Tess's dress with the appliques on the front. They look a bit like oversized buttons, which would be cute too. I felt she needed a something more after making her older sisters' dresses, which have more interest. But of course Tess holds her own.

Audrey's and Scarlett's dresses are a new pattern: the Ruffled Chemise for Girls. It's a reprise of the Ruffled Chemise for Babies from last Easter. I've been wanting to make it in larger sizes for some time now. But as it seems to go with me, a lot of ideas and not as much time to implement them all so this pattern isn't quite ready. Really soon though... Same for the Angel Sleeve Dress. (UPDATE: patterns are ready! Click on the links in this paragraph.)

There are just a few things complicating matters. Three to be exact! Sometimes I think, "three?!" I never thought I'd be so lucky!

Happy Easter!


Erin said...

Both the girls and the dresses are so pretty. I love that you make them something similar but not always exactly the same. We only wore our Easter dresses for about 2 hours because they girls had to change to more comfortable clothes for the egg hunt!

Leigh Anne said...

Such cute dresses! Great job! And isn't it true that the exact reason we desire to sew (our kids) is the exact reason we don't have time to sew....haha! Kinda ironic :)

MommaWard said...

Lovely. Sweet girls and pretty dresses!

~ Darlene said...

The girls look beautiful in their new dresses!! Great job!


Shannon said...

beautiful dresses! & beautiful little girls :)

CBH said...

Gorgeous dresses. Adorable girls. I think Audrey is so like you, but they are all gorgeous girls.


klee1 said...

Can't wait for the pattern. I'd love to make these for my granddaughters.

Kathy said...

Beautiful dresses for beautiful girls! I understand too well not having the time to sew. I have 4 boys and I keep so busy with them that my days just fly by! My oldest is just 6 weeks from graduating! Its so hard to believe . . .

Seaweed and Raine said...

I love you choice in colours - so fresh and happy! :)The colours in Scarlett's look amazing against her skin tone.

Bari Jo said...

The dresses are wonderful and your little girls are just beautiful! :o) These are sweet days! Enjoy - I know you are! They go so quickly! I have three sons and my baby just turned 17. You blink and they are grown! I have a friend who said she felt the days went really slow at times but the years flew by - I thought that was a great way to put it! Love your sewing - it always inspires me! I hope to have daughter in loves some day with babies to sew for! ;O) I know where I'm coming for patterns! I've loved the crochet and been working on gifts for nieces and the ladies in our family!

Meredith said...

Oh my are they just the cutest girls in the world. Love the dresses but their cute faces take over all the pictures.
Happy Tuesday,

Elasha said...

Great job on the dresses Anneliese! I especially love the fabric in Scarlett's dress!

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