Saturday, November 15, 2014

Crochet: Triple Strand Earflap Hat Tester Roundup

It's definitely hat weather now! And it's high time to thank my great testers for helping me with the Triple Strand Earflap Hat pattern. It's such a thrill to have hard work validated and I really appreciate their willingness to try out these hats and provide feedback. Click through to see all the variations they came up with, and some really cute faces.

These darling hats (and this adorable baby) with pom-poms are the work of Anna.

Erica made a hat with tassels that would be perfect for the holidays and a great blue and green version for her son. 

I love the colors Jewel picked for this cheery hat!

I seem to love every combination with yellow these days so I though Karen picked some great yarns for her hat.

Kristin added a starfish to the side of this cute green hat.

Marnae made hats in a few sizes.  So sweet on babies and little girls. My girls would love this lavender combination too.

I think I've made this same combination as Melissa.

Elena crocheted the classic pattern with no adornments on the earflaps. I love her hat model!

I love the citrus-y colors on this hat by Rosemary.

Stacey made hats for the whole family! I especially love the green hat with the braids. I think I need one like that.

A huge thank you to my testers!


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