Monday, November 10, 2014

Crochet: Easy Afghans for My Girls

Though we've had unseasonably warm, beautiful weather around here, the temperatures are dropping so it's time to snuggle up!

I love Fall with it's golden colors and chill in the air.

So I made my Easy Baby Afghan in a larger size for Audrey and Scarlett, so they would have one similar to Tess's, which is the original size.

I can't tell you the numbers here but I added about twice the chain stitches (compared to the original pattern) at the beginning and used 6 skeins of the three yarn colors. The nice thing about this pattern is that you can chain until you have the width you would like and then just crochet rows until you get the right length. Pretty easy!

Three girls and three blankets. Sounds just right.


  1. This is the first blanket pattern I ever made and since then I've made several for baby gifts. I just love the texture. I recently started a larger one for myself to use up my spare yarn. Thank you.

  2. Super cute and cozy! My aunt crocheted an afghan like that for O when he was born and it's the warmest blanket ever. Love the multiple colors in there.

  3. Love these! I made one for each of my kids, and when I get around to dusting off my crochet hooks, hope to make a few more as gifts. So cuddly!

  4. I was so motivated by your original version of this that I got a hook and finally learned to crochet by using your tutorials and videos. I made it in sunny yellow, orange, and cream and it came out great! Super learning project and it's my new go-to--so much faster than my previous (knitted) go-to baby blanket. Thank you for your great teaching tips!--sarabeth in Mass.

  5. Se las ve muy felices con sus mantas hechas por mamá,:)y son muy acogedoras. Besitos, Ani. Sevilla.

  6. Lindas roupas,super alegres,parabéns!!


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