Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Sewing: Camoflage Maxi Skater Dress

I so rarely sew for myself. I would rather focus my energy on what seems a sure thing--sewing for my girls. Just about everything works out and looks cute on them. On the other hand it seems that sewing for oneself is always a bit of a gamble. I guess I need to do it more so I learn what works and what doesn't. And wouldn't it be great to have a whole set of muslins, which fit me perfectly? That's a project to add to the list!

Well, whether it was the inspiration of all of you out there sewing for yourselves, or my acute need for a wardrobe boost, I took the gamble. And I'm happy I did. Granted I've always had a thing for camoflage, which not everyone shares. There were a few raised eyebrows close to home...but there were also some unsolicited compliments. So I'm calling it a success.

I purchased the Lady Skater sewing pattern during the pattern tour last year and have been wanting to give it a try. This grey and black camo knit fabric seemed the perfect opportunity.

I made a few modifications (though I also want to try this pattern as designed). I made the sleeves elbow length and added a maxi skirt with pockets. I was inspired by the SOLEIL Dress with it's front pockets and concentrated gathers so I created patch pockets with front gathers inbetween. I didn't gather the skirt on the sides and concentrated them in back again and the result is something like a bustle. I love the downward curve on the waistband. I didn't hem the skirt because I like the raw curl. It works for something casual.

This dress works nicely for summer trips where the evenings are cool, such as, say, the Rocky Mountains.... It rolls up for wrinkle-free packing. I know we are smack in the middle of summer but I'm excited about the way it will transition into Fall too.


  1. Oh I love this and would wear this. I wish I had your dress making skills.I would make all mine and my familys clothes. Did you do a sewing course to become so good, or are just a natural dressmaker?

  2. @jabbott: Thanks for your kind comment! My mother taught me to sew and it's been a matter of practice since then!

  3. This dress is wonderful. Adding pockets, sleeve length and maxi length were a perfect ideas. Would love to see a photo detail of the pockets! I'm thinking about ordering the pattern. This dress could be a staple for my teen and me! Thank you for pointing out the pattern!

  4. I love the dress the way you made it!!!!! Just perfect! (And your hair cut is cute, too!)

  5. I love your take on this pattern! I have it in my collection, but have yet to give it a try. You've inspired me :-)


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