Thursday, January 6, 2011

Knitting: Looped Scarflette Pattern Winners and Coupon

I just finished another Scarflette, this time for a good friend with a January birthday, and this time in a great earthy combination of colors: aqua, brown and taupe. The yarns I used are Loops & Threads (a new Michael's brand) Country Loom in Driftwood (appropriately named I think) and Loops & Threads Impeccable in Aqua.

While I wouldn't want to use these yarns for an heirloom sweater for my girls, they are so great for more trendy projects, such as this Scarflette. They come in great colors and I really love the loft of the acrylic. It's cozy but not too heavy around the neck.

There were so many great comments on my pattern post--great ideas for colors and fibers for this scarf. I picked three, which stood out to me, and the three winners are:

1.  Tara, who said "I think I'd start with a purple (or purple and pink mix?) for my daughter, who would then demand one in every color that might possibly match anything she owns. After that, I'd probably knit one for me, maybe in Cian by Three Irish Girls? I love the bright yellow to bring a little happiness to the grey winter. :)"

That Cian yarn is just gorgeous! And I couldn't resist someone who sounds equally compulsive about making one in every color!

2. Shelly, who said, "I just bought a bunch of yarn in green, purple and red and I'm ready to make something for myself now that the holidays are over and I'm done making gifts ;-) "

My sentiments, exactly!

3. Courtney, who said, " I'm all about blending colors...I would love to make one in a deep red & a lighter red. One for myself and my 2 little girls!! How fun would that be. I love your site, you are such a inspiration to me. Thank you... Courtney

I hope you do make some to wear with your girls--I have had fun doing that. 

Tara and Shelly, please contact me and let me know your emails... AestheticNest [at] Yahoo [dot] com.

It was more difficult than I thought to pick just three. If you would like a pattern for yourself please click to this post about the Child's Looped Scarflette and use the coupon code in my Etsy shop for 25% off the Women's or Child's patterns, or both! I'm leaving it active through the month of January. 


  1. Love how the aqua pops against the browns. This might just be my fave so far!

  2. I j'adore your blog and I am passing along an award to you! Stop by my blog and check it out.

  3. Oh I love the colors! I love the new banner! The girls have grown so much!

  4. What do I do? I want one of these scarfs for both my girls and myself and I don't knit. I have major craft envy. :)

  5. Hi, I am in Australia and in the middle of winter. I would really LOVE the pattern for the ladies scarfette. It looks amazing and unlike long scarves sits where you need the warmth. Can anyone help me.
    Robyn Harrower

  6. @Robyn: This pattern is available in my Etsy shop here: Stay warm!


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