About Me

 When I was a young girl learning to sew, I always wanted to load up on projects at the fabric store--there were so many I wanted to make. My mother, wise that she was, told me we could get the materials for the next project once I finished the first. Makes sense. Little did she know what a "finisher" I would become. I think some artists and other creative types enjoy making something purely for the process and while I do enjoy the making, nothing compares to the finishing! Not only because it is so satisfying to see the thing I've created worn or used or gifted, but also because it clears the way for the next project! I have more lists of things to make than hours...

I began this blog as a way to cross things off my list. Finished is finished. But blogged is even better! So this is my creative journal where I post about things I make: sewing, knitting, crochet, cooking, painting (not often enough), room decorating, party designing. I should clarify: I post about things I finish making. It's a better incentive for me to work through the list.

Since making this blog public mid-2010 I have enjoyed connecting with a community of creative women. There are so many amazing women out there and no way to meet them all in person, or invite them over for a knitting night. I love being able to find those who get as excited as I do about a swatch of fabric or great yarn or darling dress! My mother was the one I could always count on to share my enthusiasm for a project. I lost her in 2007 and in many ways this blog is about her. It's compensating a tiny bit for not being able to share these things with her--she would have loved, loved, loved them--and in fairness, she just about singly taught me all the tricks I know.

A college professor I loved once began his class with a quote from Stendhal, "Beauty is nothing else but a promise of happiness,"  and it was a moment of epiphany for me. "That explains it!" I thought. That is why I am so driven to beautify the space around me. That explains Helen of Troy and so many other less heroic efforts. That is the key to modern marketing (my profession of many years). So many times we humans fall for false beauty, but I believe being surrounded by true beauty does create happiness. I think the most beautiful things are those that are labors of love: children, things created for and by people you love, authentic art, an experience (a dinner, a party, a playdate...) that took some creative effort. Perhaps that is why most of my efforts are geared towards my home and the people around me rather than a larger audience of customers. I love making (beautiful I hope) things for people. Always have. Always will.

So "finishing" is why I post, but "beauty" is what I hope to post at Aesthetic Nest. A good friend suggested the discipline of three words as a filter for governing decisions about a thing. My three for Aesthetic Nest are: Creative, Authentic, and Inspiring.
  • Creative: I post about things I create. I most enjoy things I create "from scratch," ideas that pop in my head, recipes I've developed, or patterns I've worked out, but I also like to work from others' inspiration and give it my own take.
  • Authentic: I try to offer my point of view and use this creative log as a way to refine my aesthetic. I use photos I've taken myself (except for those wherein I'm the subject) rather than found on the Web (even though there are so many gorgeously tempting photos out there).
  • Inspiring: I don't post every thing I do, but want to share those things that might be inspiring to others, and the things I've found inspiring myself. Being inspired is what I've most enjoyed about following blogs and I'd love to reciprocate. It makes my day when someone reading here lets me know they tried something based on one of my posts! I love sharing things I am excited about so I try to include links to all the related resources.

That should keep me honest. Thanks for reading.


  • If you are interested in more about me you can read recent interviews here on D.C. Metro Mommy and here on Maker Mama and here's a post I wrote about journaling.
  • I don't post much about my personal life (though this all seems very personal) but I do post a few details occasionally. Here is a list of "personal" or FYI posts. It is evident quite quickly if you've been reading my blog that I am a mother of three young girls, my muses. I also have a husband who is very patient with my late night creativity and who kindly, and often, but not always successfully, reminds me to go to bed!
  • In my worklife I did strategic planning for clients of McCann Erickson--mostly business-to-business marketing for technology companies. I still do some freelancing in this area. I was concerned mostly with understanding the environment for a brand, it's target customers, and developing the appropriate messaging for communicating with them. Oh, and I lived and breathed Microsoft Powerpoint--more often than not still my design tool of choice! Sometimes I still think in "slides."