Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sewing: Hodgepodge Rainbow Bateau Neck Top

Maybe it was due to my unfulfilled grade school longing for one of the three-quarter sleeve rainbow t-shirts (the white ones with the rainbow across the chest and down the arms--anyone remember?) that I was so excited about making a rainbow shirt for Scarlett. 

It's interesting how clothing is iconic of an era. I remember girls at school wearing those rainbow shirts with Ditto jeans, which had seams running up the back of the legs and over the backside (sort of like another rainbow). Wow. Maybe I should have made a rainbow shirt for myself!

This shirt is different though. Scarlett loves rainbows! And picks out rainbow, or multi-colored, fabric often. It's difficult to find good prints in this category, in my opinion. So I was excited to spot this rainbow stripe at funkalicious fabrics Etsy shop. I thought it would be perfect with the happy aqua cloud fabric from Euro Girls Boutique. And it is! 

So there you have it: a hodgepodge rainbow Bateau Neck Top. I love mixing the fabrics this way. I made this top for Scarlett, wrapped it up, and suprised her with it on her birthday. Something handmade just for her. Sewing is so great that way.

Hope you are having a "happy clouds" day.


  1. He visto tu blog entero hace ya unos meses. Tienes una imaginaciĆ³n maravillosa y unas manos prodigiosas, y como van creciendo las niƱas!! Son excelentes modelos. Un besito Ani desde Sevilla.

  2. @Anonymous: Gracias! I was in Sevilla this past Spring--it's so beautiful! I hope to be back some day.

  3. What a beautiful mix of colors! I think this would be the best birthday present to open!

  4. Such a sweet top, I love the mix of fabrics. I have not thought of Ditto Jeans in 20yrs. It brought a smile to my face. Thank you.

  5. I LOVE this!
    In the early 80's I had this puffy vest that was powder blue and had a huge cloud with a rainbow coming out of it.
    Gosh, thanks for that trip down memory lane!
    Beautiful job on the shirt!

  6. i love that! soooo cute and fun...and yes i think you should totally make yourself one :)


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