Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Back-to-School Bateaux: Delia Creates

You likely recognize this cute and energetic little girl...she and the great sewing are the work of Delia at Delia Creates. She is next up on the pattern tour.

Delia's is one of the few "blogger friends" I have met in person and she is a total pleasure--just like her blog. One of those generous individuals from whom one can learn a lot. She is always pushing herself to innovate and improve and share what she has discovered. I was thinking the other day that I really could benefit from studying her self portrait tips. Can you believe what she accomplishes with a camera remote? Or with yarn (love this blanket), or long summer days, or even scraps? Let alone the amazing things she sews for her boys (suits!) and little girl (my favorite, "First Baby" dress!)

She made a Bateau Neck Elastic Waist dress in a cute grey dotted knit that seems to work perfectly for run-around days. You can see more here.


  1. Thank you for the thoughtful write up Anneliese! It is such a pleasure to know you as well! Thank you for inviting me to be apart of the tour.

  2. Oh dear! I keep popping over here and seeing these cute little girls' outfits, and thinking "I'd like that one for me"..... "ooh - and that one"..... "and I wonder whether I could make something like that in big"...... :-)


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