Monday, July 22, 2013

Review: Martha Stewart's Favorite Crafts for Kids Book (Giveaway)

I was so excited to receive a copy of Martha Stewart's Favorite Crafts for Kids but I was barely able to glance at the cover before Audrey seized it, ran with it to her room and curled up in her chair to start looking for a project!

She was completely enthralled and I couldn't help smiling as she talked out loud about the fun ideas she was viewing. It didn't take her long before she'd found the perfect one: make a softie based on your child's drawing.

"Why not?" I said. Seemed perfect to me too. So Audrey grabbed her sketchpad and drew (of course) a dog. A cute cartoonish, purple dog with blue and pink striped ears and diagonal slits for eyes and a smallish red nose. I photocopied her drawing twice to make a pattern for the body and two for the unsymmetrical ears. I found the perfect corduroy textured knit fabric from my stash. And then she had to wait...

She was pretty patient about having me finish up some things first, for a couple days. She even wrote in a deadline on my calendar--she knows me too well. And then we were able to sit down together and talk about sewing. And it was so much fun!

She was so excited about it. And I told her my very first sewing project, when I was close to her age (probably a bit older actually) was a stuffed animal. Do you remember those fabrics printed with softie designs? I made a turtle and a lion and a cute Matroyshka. I still have the turtle.

I didn't have Audrey try the sewing machine yet. But she pinned the pattern to the fabric (with Scarlett as her assistant handing her pins), cut it out, pinned the fabric pieces together, and then after I stitched it, she did the stuffing.

She did the embroidered face too, after I got her started. Pretty darn cute for her first project! Wish I'd been able to find my embroidery floss, but we made do with sewing thread. The best part about it is how thrilled she is with the finished puppy. She hasn't set him down since we finished him. And she has asked, "do you think I'll be as good a sewer as you, Mom? Do you?"  That totally made my day! (And she also just happened to be wearing the sailboat t-shirt I made her--unsolicited. I love it when that happens.) Oh, and we finished this project before the deadline she had imposed! 

Now that I've had a chance to look through the rest of the book I'm so impressed by the breadth of ideas in Martha Stewart's Favorite Crafts for Kids. It is chock full! There are toys, like the tin can dog Audrey would like to make next, and gifts to give. Many which older children could do on there own and lots for parents to do with them.

I remember the cross stitch family portraits from the magazine. I love these! Maybe someday I'll make one. Or maybe one of my girls will!

Would you like a copy of this book? The Martha Stewart Crafts team is giving away a copy to one of my readers. And, even better, the team is throwing in a few goodies from her Martha Stewart Crafts line! What a package! This giveaway is open through next Monday and then one winner will be selected and announced right here.

(If you can't wait to get the book you can view the new collection of Martha Stewart's Crafts for Kids videos online right now.)

Please click through to enter.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!


  1. Oh, my girls would love this bundle! Ok, me too. The book looks like great fun.

  2. We are living in a camper this summer, so this would be a fun diversion! Thank you for the chance!

  3. This book looks like a lot of fun and will give some great inspiration for long summer days.

  4. My oldest would love this book and her three siblings would be happy to play too :)

  5. We LOVE crafting with the kids. This book looks right up our ally.

  6. I and my daughters would love to win it. A great way to spend our holidays!!!

  7. We paint and work with wool felt together sewing flowers and making pins!

  8. my kids enjoy sewing w/ me - they "drive" the machine w/ the pedal and I steer the needle. We've made simple things this way, like little sachet pillows.

  9. i teach an after school art program, free to 4th and 5th graders, and this book looks to be full of great ideas that I could use in their classes.

  10. What a great job she did -- shoot, she embroiders better than me!

    Thanks for the opportunity - would love to have for crafting with the grands.

  11. The girls love to pick fabric and pick patterns and work with me on sewing up items - especially some doll clothes.


  12. would love to teach my girls how to sew!
    following you on bloglovin & feedly

  13. This is a great giveaway!

  14. What a fantastic giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity. I think it is wonderful to take the time to engage with our children by investing our time with them. Looking forward to being crafty with them. :)

  15. Fantastic giveaway! I usually make different toys from socks and gloves together with children, and different paper works.

  16. What a wonderful giveaway! My kids would just pour through this book. It's always nice to give them some visual inspiration, it kick starts so many wonderful project ideas!

    patriotsgirl4life (at) yahoo (dot) com

  17. My eldest is only 19-months- old, but we play with play dough, scrapbook, an do paper crafts.


  18. What a wonderful giveaway and I would be delighted to win!

  19. I would love to win a copy of this book to take to North Carolina in August when I go to visit my granddaughter, who is three!

  20. My daughter and I would have so much fun with this book! Thanks for the chance to win :D

  21. That doll is adorable! :) I'm always looking for more crafts to do with the kids - thank for the great giveaway!

  22. Oh! I love this! It would be so fun to have!

  23. My oldest is almost at the point where he will sit still to do arts and crafts so this would be great!

  24. (Also, I follow you on feedly!)

  25. My daughter is old enough now that I'm going to start teaching her how to sew.

  26. After many years of all sorts of painting, I recently taught my 5yo boy & 6yo girl how to sew clothes for Barbie & GI Joe. Of course they were ready for the next craft after 15 minutes. That's where this book would come in handy! PS, LOVE your blog!

  27. I've been looking at this for a week or two. Looks great!!

  28. What a lovely book. I love crafting with my kids. Today we used melting beads. There are also a lot of times my kids have an idea and I am crafting it :) curious to read the book. Mij

  29. I'm expecting my first baby (girl) this fall! I can't wait to do fun crafts with her when she is able! :) I currently like to color with my niece!

  30. Awesome giveaway! I've been wanting to check out this book. My older daughter and I have been working our way through the projects in The Artful Parent this summer. Love your daughter's sailboat shirt!!!

  31. Awesome giveaway! My little girls would love to try their hands at making their own stuffed animals! Thank you!

  32. As a work-at-home mom I'm always looking for ideas to keep my munchkin busy during the day, but where I can see her and she's not afraid to ask for help! Crafty projects seem to always be the right answer to that :) It would be great to get some new ideas!

  33. We love to craft with colored paper, scissors, glue and fabric scraps.

  34. I have an 8 year old girl that would LOVE this book. She is very artistic - loves drawing, making paper dolls, painting, sewing, etc. Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. Looks like a really GREAT book - I know lots of children who would love to make some of these crafts!

  36. I (always!) follow you on bloglovin' - wouldn't miss it!!

  37. That looks fun! Maybe ill do the softie soon

  38. This would be great to win, my two youngest are always looking for a new project to try. :)

  39. Forgot to mention, I follow you on bloglovin' and feedly as well. :)

  40. This must me my lucky day! We gave my oldest daughter (3 girls also) a year of dates for her birthday and this month is a craft/sewing project with mommy! We would love the book with lots of other great ideas!!

  41. I love the stuffed animal your daughter made. My girls would love to make their own stuffy as well. This book looks so fun. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  42. From playing with fabric scraps to painting, my girls love to craft!

  43. crafting teaches my kids how to approach everything in their lives creatively and to see the possibilities in everything. materials to craft are everywhere. thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

  44. This would be so fun to win! My almost 4 year old daughter is just beginning to enjoy crafts. What a great source of ideas for us both.

  45. In the psat I worked as a teacher for an after-school program at a private school. I planned many, many craft projects for my 3rd & 4th graders-- including beaded hair scrunchies and bracelets, felt: flowers, holiday tree ornaments, headbands, crowns, heart necklaces with crocheted chains, and many more. Currently I sew with fabric & felt plus crochet small items for my nieces' & nephews' children: 15 total plus several friends' grandkids. THIs FAB craft book by Martha Stewart would provide many new ideas for my creativity & to share with others in workshops. THANKS, Sarah Helene in Minneapolis

  46. thanks so much for a chance to win it. we love crafts in our family and kaitlyn would love to have this.

  47. I am so excited to see this book! Thanks for the chance to win. I love doing all kinds of crafts with my kids. We love using paint, paper, and fabric especially.

  48. We do any and all crafts...sewing, play dough, paper, painting. If I could, we'd just sit around making things all day, but I guess we do have to eat. Thanks for the chance to win!

  49. now the only thing I make with my kids is drawing, they're so young I never thought anything particular :)

  50. My daughter daisy would spend her whole day crafting if I would let her!! Her little sister is now taking an interest this would be awesome to help develop their skills thanks for the chance

  51. What a cute book idea! I have loved following your creative endeavors - my daughter loves her felted satchel and our family loves your beer bread! Thanks for sharing this!

  52. Love the projects...would be fun to do with my grandkids! Love you blog too...such creativity!

  53. My daughter and I teach the boys everything crafty we do, we make sure to involve them in all our projects and they love it!

  54. Last year I led a sewing club at the elementary school where I teach. I've been trying to think of some crafting ideas for this year's club. This book would certainly give us inspiration!!!

  55. My daughter is only just five, but this looks like a craft that she'd love to do! We have made flower fairies in the past, as well as bead tie necklaces.

  56. The cross stitched family is too cute. Would love this book for my daughter! Nina S

  57. What a fun book~ I love children's craft books!

  58. Adorable first craft for Audrey! Will try it with the kiddos at home too.

  59. Would love this book! I have 4 little to craft with.

  60. OMG! My 3 kids would love this book.

  61. I encourage them to draw and give them fabric scraps to use on their stuffed animals. they also love perler beads

  62. I let Ansley pick out fabric and patterns. I also let her choose how to finish the seams on her tinkerbell dress.

  63. We like to make our own playdough (and play with it!), papercrafts, and beads.

  64. I love doing paper crafts with my kids -- I had big plans to teach them to sew this summer, but that was before morning sickness hit. Maybe this fall? :-)

  65. Oh my goodness, her proud face is priceless. So so cute - I love it! (giveaway entry not necessary, I just had to comment)

  66. What a sweet project! I need to do more with my kiddos.

  67. I love doing all sorts of crafts projects with my sons and always look for inspiration. This is such a cute idea - we'll have to try this - and hopefully lots of other projects from the book.
    We often use things we find outside or things that would otherwise be thrown away for crafts projects, the boys also love painting and drawing.

  68. We do little crafts and lots of art projects with my little princesses. They love crafts and I would love this book!

  69. I'm always looking for great craft ideas can't wait to see what Martha has come up with.

  70. This will be fun book to give out as presents!

  71. looks great! we'd love to win it!

  72. I have custody of my 7.5 year old grand-daughter and we have a blast crafting together. She loves everything from painting with me to learning how to crochet.

  73. Awesome! My girls will love this book!

  74. My kids love to craft. Most recently they've been collecting pine cones to paint.

  75. How darling! I'm always looking for new craft projects to share with my students, and this book seems to be full of inspiration. :)


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