Thursday, June 20, 2013

FYI: Guest Posting for Once Upon a Thread

Katy is doing it again: it's Once Upon a Thread, chapter four! I love following this series because of the amount of creativity it inspires. It's even better participating because it gives me the chance to stitch together so many things I love. You can see what I did this time right here.

P.S. I'm still trying to get in touch with two WINNERS. Are you one of them? Please see my earlier post...


  1. Such creativity! I don't know how you do it!

  2. You dresses/cape were adorable!! I love the color and that city fabric was amazing! I'm also part of Katys series, so trying to say HI to all the other bloggers!
    Emily @ Nap-Time Creations

  3. Love those outfits! I can't decide whether I like the capelet or the double bow collar better... they are both darling.

  4. Absolutely inspired outfits - AGAIN!
    I really love the thought of vintage books, my mental library isn't vast, do you have a list (& are the books from your childhood or adult acquisitions)?

    Sadly, I'm not one of the winners ;)

  5. I finally catching up on all the Once Upon a Thread stuff....and this is beautiful! Wow. I love it! Those peter pan collars are so delicious. You always have wonderful details. :)


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