Monday, August 6, 2012

Sewing: The Summer Set in Blue


I am still making The Summer Set. I can't resist it! I feel a bit as if I should be thinking back-to-school but I'm in a panic about the fact that it's August and there were more things I wanted to fit in before school starts. I suppose I should get used to this--I'm guessing it's going to be an annual thing. Am I right? In any event, I'm trying to stretch out the summer!


We'll see how it goes, but I have a couple parties I'm trying to squeeze in, and a few field trips, not to mention one or two other sewing projects. But I don't want to be so busy that I don't have time to just enjoy these cute girls, because how much longer will I have to do that? They seem to be growing up so quickly already.


And so it goes... I was warned.

So here we have two of the three: Audrey in The Summer Set Bloomers and Flutter Top (this time without the ruffle) in a classically summer-y blue and white gingham, and Tess in The Summer Set Capris and a t-shirt I appliqued for her last week (view the Frayed Flower Applique tutorial here).


Tess is so petite these Capris turned out longer on her than I'd planned, but they're still cute, and she now has room to grown into them. I love this fabric, which coincidentally is from the Waverly Modern Essentials line I gave away a few months ago. This is "Tailspin" in "Americana," which I purchased at Joann.  I actually purchased it for Audrey, but she turned up her nose at it, so Tess wins!

The fabric is a medium weight twill and is perfect for Bloomers or Capris. With a little t-shirt I think it makes a pretty cute playset! I should make a long sleeved appliqued tee for her to wear with these Capris when it gets cooler. Maybe I'll add that to the list...

So here we are, soaking up the last carefree month of these bright, blown-out, summer days.

I'm trying to prioritize so we don't miss the best of it.


And, the girls just want to play, as they should.


I hope things are sunny with you. What's on your list for August?


(You can find The Summer Set sewing pattern in my Etsy shop, here.)


  1. Thank you ... I follow your blog fondly. :)))

  2. As you know from the pics I sent....I LOVE THIS PATTERN. I had such fun making it. I know I will make it again and again. Loving your vacation pictures. It is a National Park??? XXXX

  3. These are so precious! I love them!

  4. What adorable Summer sets! Love both of 'em. And the location for your pics....wish I was there right now. Actually headed to the Rocky Mts in Colorado at the end of the week for vacay in our RV....woohoo! Lots of things on the "to do" list to get ready, but really looking forward to soaking in that last bit of summer :)

  5. LOVE both looks and the gorgeous setting! That gingham is so darling on Audrey. (Glad you're squeezing out every last bit of summer.) Your red top looks lovely on you; did you make that too?

  6. Can I tell you how much I love these patterns...and these pics? So, so sweet. You so bring back memories of my mom making clothing for my two sisters and I ~ always the same pattern, some times with different fabric. Thank you for that!

  7. Love the outfits (especially the gingham one!) and the pictures!

  8. Beautiful pictures. Your girls are going to be so happy to have those images to look back at when they grow up.

  9. Oh your little gals are just the cutest; I love that gingham outfit! And wow, the location...beautiful! I want to go to there.

  10. Thanks for dressing your girls like little girls. These outfits are so simple and beautiful and timeless at the same time. When I dress my girls up for an outing they seem so unusual in a crowd and it's great to see these lovely pieces on your beautiful girls. Thank you for the continued inspiration.

  11. Thanks for all the kind comments! I love dressing my girls in classic clothing like this but I have to say it's getting more difficult as they mature and develop their own opinions! They don't love what I pick out quite as much!

  12. So sweet! Just love all the things you make! You are so right to grab the moments with them as you can - to be in the here and now - because it does go really quickly! Seems to speed up as they get older. I am getting ready for school to start a week from Monday. Been busy ordering curriculum and getting ready for our last year of school together. My youngest (3 boys) is in his senior year of high school now and we will finish our homeschool journey in May. Time flies. :O) Enjoy it all - as you are. You are a very wise mom!


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