Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sewing: Fleece Camping Pillowcases

I had some leftover fleece from my cape costumes of a few weeks ago and a spare thirty minutes before leaving on our family's first camping trip so I decided to make some pillowcases! It was only an overnight trip with no food preparation required but I was still felling unsure about what to pack. So when in doubt, sew, I guess! It wasn't so much that we needed pillowcases, but I think this blue and white polka dot is cheery, and the fleece seemed cozy for a cool night outside. My girls agreed, and it was lickety split to new pillowcases.

Turns out a half-yard of sixty inch wide fleece is perfect for a queen sized pillowcase. I just folded the fabric right sides together, perpendicular to the selvedge, and sewed the two side seams. Then I turned under the selvedge edges one half inch and zigzagged the hem of the cases. I like the zigzag showing. Makes sense for this casual fleece I think. Took about five minutes.

The girls liked the fleece pillowcases so much they've been camping indoors too. Given all expenditures versus outcome I would say this is my most successful project this year! Maybe there is something to be learned here...


  1. What a good idea! Love this picture. :)

  2. :o) You amaze me! I am usually running so behind that I wouldn't be able to pull this off before walking out the door! I love your fleece idea! I have been wanting to make the crochet edging pillow cases I see all over the net... but this is so cute! I am thinking Christmas pillow cases for wintertime! Thanks for another GREAT idea! :O) What a fun treat for the kids!

  3. Love the pillowcases. Thanks for sharing , you little girls are So beautiful. You are so blessed.

  4. Why is she wearing a cast?
    what happened to her arm?

  5. Forget camping - we live in the cold - these would be brilliant every night of the week :) Thanks for sharing.

  6. What happened to Scarlett? Hope she's recovering quickly.


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