Thursday, May 24, 2012

Review: Hand in Hand--Crafting with Kids (Book Giveaway--CLOSED)

When I received an email about Jenny Doh's new book, Hand in Hand, published by Lark Crafts, I was certainly interested. The subhead, "Crafting with Kids,"  is a topic that is becoming more and more important to me as my children grow. But it was the bubble on the cover that made me want to get my hands on it right away: "20 Top Bloggers and Favorite Projects"! I couldn't wait to see whom was included and what they'd come up with.

This beautiful book arrived yesterday. I don't say "beautiful" just because it is lovely in it's design and production (I love the raised letters and polka dots on the cover for instance), but also because the ideas expressed are so beautiful to me. What is more beautiful than an afternoon spent teaching a child to create, to be creative, to express his or her own unique vision? I don't do it enough, and the stories from these talented women--inspired mothers--inspire me to do better. Not only is this a book of tutorials for fun crafts to do as a family, it is a collection of unique perspectives on the drive to create, the joy of involving children in creativity, and approaches to balancing motherhood and art.

I've had fun learning more about some of the women I know via their blogs and learning about others I hadn't "met" before the book arrived. (Check out this preview and free project on Lark Craft's blog here.) I showed the book to my girls to see what projects they were most interested in (Audrey picked the Papier-Mache Animal Masks). And I can't stop thinking about when we might make these great Painted Paper Lampshades (and perhaps hang them outdoors for a party!?)

This was the perfect book for me to read as I'm scrambling to wrap up the school year and plan the appropriate combination of summer activities. I am going to make sure we have plenty of unstructured time for making things together. Which means saying "no" to some things for me and some for them (I have a tendency to over-commit.) Because whenever we do make something together it is immensely more satisfying than whatever else I had on my list that day. Does it go that way for you too?

Would you like to get your hands on a copy of Hand in Hand? I have one to give away thanks to Lark Crafts!

To enter please leave me a comment below (multiple entries possible):
  1. Tell me how you build into your schedule some creativity with your children and/or what sort of projects you enjoy creating most with your kids. What works?
  2. Like Lark Crafts on Facebook (here) and let me know.
  3. Follow Lark Crafts on Twitter (here) and let me know.
  4. Follow/Subscribe to AestheticNest and let me know.
  5. Like Aesthetic Nest on Facebook (here) and let me know.
This giveaway is open for entries until midnight, Thursday, May 31st. Good luck! (GIVEAWAY CLOSED)


    1. What a cool book! I let my daughter pick out fabrics and thread colors (when it's something for her or her friends). :)

    2. I strive to set aside time to craft with my kids every Saturday afteroon. During the week, we discuss a project that we might want to try together and ensure that the supplies are ready. During the week, creative activites are undirected but the supplies (pencil crayons, pastels, scissors, are always out) in case the urge strikes. Thank you for the chance to win.

    3. Your describe the book in a very cool manner.I would like to be innovative when it comes to crafty with children.

    4. We have crafting time every day. Even if it's just playing with paper.

    5. I follow aesthetic nest on reader

    6. I "follow" you via my Yahoo reader, does that count :)

    7. It seems so hard to find time, we mostly do weekend projects and mostly fashion related: hair trinkets, clothes for dolls... We will incorporate more garden projects with the birdies coming to our garden and our sunflower babies growing:)

    8. I have an 18-month-old, so our projects don't last very long! But I like to do small sensory projects with her each evening. I find that when she gets the six o'clock fussies, it's the best way to calm her down. We do a project together while Dad cooks dinner (yes, I'm a lucky lady and terrible cook). On night's dad's not home, we have leftovers.

    9. our three oldest(7,6, & 4) get their art time in the afternoon while the youngest(21 mos) naps. yesterday we spread banner paper across the island and they used watercolors, marker, and stamps to make a welcome to summer poster! so fun! we also make chalk mazes on the sidewalk.

    10. I'm a little better "crafting" with my older girls (now ages 9 and 12). They now do sewing projects with me, which is very fun. The younger ones have a free-for-all with art supplies and love to color/draw to their hearts' content. This looks like a great book!

    11. What a great looking book! Thanks for the chance to win! I try to do a big craft with my 3 girls about once a week, but lately they have taken over my sewing time with hand sewing projects. :)

    12. I am a subscriber, via google reader.

    13. With a toddler I just catch the moment as is presents itself, most of the time. Although I am home with him Mondays when we get some real messy artistic time to create!

    14. I find that the boys always want to be doing what I am, so I try to always have extra/kid friendly supplies available for them to play with while I do my crafting. Clay is a great example. It's like playdough to them but actually less messy (score!). As long as I soften it up for them they could play for hours making shapes and pressing them into molds. If I have to paint something I pull out the finger paint or tempura paint for them to use. If I'm working with tools...well you get the point. :)

    15. Creativity with my child usally happens in the afternoon during that "used -to be-nap-time" lull. She loves water color paints and controlling the stitch speed as I sew simple hems and what-not. (she often talks me in to sewing up a pillow for a doll etc.) She also loves to give gifts so we are able to use our creative time to make cards and simple gifts. On may day we colored muffin tin liners and stuck pipecleaners in them. Voila! may day flowers to drop on neighbors door-steps

    16. I'm subscribed to Aesthetic Nest :)

    17. I like to build in creative time wherever I can. Whenever we go out I do my best to have something for them to work on in my purse, even if it's crayons and paper. One of our favourite things to do is get out a giant sheet of paper and create a communal picture, mostly with crayons and markers but sometimes, if we've got old magazines laying around, collage.

    18. I also like Aesthetic Nest on Facebook (as Just a Mum?)

    19. With our homeschooling schedule, each day we either bake, paint, handcraft, play dough or clean. We rotate through those every week.

    20. I subscribe to aesthetic nest!

    21. I follow Aesthetic Nest, Like Aesthetic Nest of FB and just Liked Lark Crafts on FB. My daughter is four and likes to Decoupage items as gifts. I usually cut out most of the scrapbook paper shapes/pieces that she picked out, then she glues them on a jewelry box or other item and then decorates it with stickers she picked out.

    22. Paper, glue and scissors - let their creativity run wild.

    23. I am an email subscriber/follower.

    24. I used to craft with my kids when they were young and now am starting to craft with my grandson. This book will be a wonderful source of ideas. Thanks for sharing it.

    25. So I had no idea I already liked Lark Crafts on Facebook! Done. :)

    26. I had to work part time this year and next year I will not. My oldest is 3 and I have great ambitions of setting aside a LOT of time to craft with her. She likes to paint right now, but I will emerge into making cards and fun things for friends. My ideas are too long to list here. :) p.s. Love your blog! Amye K. sent me...I'm about to make your chenille blanket! (finally)

    27. I follow them on twitter @frauchapman

    28. We homeschool and my girls love to do crafts, especially with beautiful papers.

    29. I also follow your blog on my blogger google reader. :)

    30. Lastly, I follow you on facebook! just saw this post of course...

    31. Following on Facebook besides the e-mails.

    32. Following Lark's Crafts on Facebook.

    33. we incorporate creativity every day at our house-we switch up the days but we make art, crafts, concoctions, cook, bake, garden. i'd love a copy of this book. thanks so much.

    34. i subscribe via email to Aesthetic Nest (and so appreciate it) thanks!

    35. I've found that my kids are the most interested in doing the things that I'm doing. I try to let them help me when I have a project or set up a "mini" version for them to do.

      rebekahricker (at) yahoo (dot) com

    36. I'm a fan of Lark Crafts.

      rebekahricker (at) yahoo (dot) com

    37. I subscribe to AestheticNest.

      rebekahricker (at) yahoo (dot) com

    38. I like AestheticNest on FB.

      rebekahricker (at) yahoo (dot) com

    39. Following and like very much....both sites. This book would be a great addition to the summer for my daughter and I to have on hand for the boys...would love to win!
      Grandpa made a wrought iron hanger to hang off and away from the daughter's the morning the 2 and 1/2 year old refills the feeder and then waters all the deck plants...including the petunias he planted for his sweet Mama for mother's day...This is the summer for learning to fish with Grandpa and Dad..and baking with Mama ( they just made a cake decorated with a green fish on the top) and exploring art and nature with Grandma. So that is how our summer will go this year!

    40. What a fun book! I love to do fun stuff with my boys. For them, the messier the better, but for me...I'm still learning to embrace & have fun with them :)

    41. I'm following Lark Crafts on Twitter...@pharmgal22

    42. I subscribe to your blog via feed in Google Reader :)

    43. I susbscribe to Asethic Nest via Google Reader. Never miss out!

    44. I susbscribe to Asethic Nest via Google Reader. Never miss out!

    45. Right now since my kids are very little, crafting usually involves coloring, and making puppets.

    46. I subscribe to Aesthetic Nest via GoogleReader as Knitterlydesigns as well as via e-mail

    47. I have Mondays off and usually try to do some sort of project with my daughter on those days. She's only two so we usually do painting or coloring.

    48. I try to make sure we have time to do something creative every morning together, then the afternoon can just be laid back, but I don't want to lose my son's childhood to cleaning the house!

    49. I liked Aesthetic Nest on FB.

    50. I liked Lark crafts on FB and would love this book:)

    51. This looks like a very nice book. I usually let my kids paint and craft with stickers, but something a little more interesting, like the paper lampshade would be very cool.

    52. I liked Aesthetic Nest of FB!

    53. What a cool book! I try to set something up for my son and I to create so that it is reading when he wakes from his nap. Favorites include sculpting play dough, painting with liquid watercolors, and baking.

    54. I definitely struggle to find time and ways to be creative with my 2year old (thus my interest in the book!)

      I try to let him lead me and show me what he's interested in.

      Most recently, I refrained from intervening when he upended an empty planter of dirt and tried different ways of playing with it.

    55. I've done a little wet felting with the boys - which we all enjoyed. Mostly it's getting to things with paint in our house - be it stamping or artworks.

    56. I subscribe to Aesthetic Nests blog :)

    57. We draw a lot! My two year old loves to play with the craft supplies, but so far I do most of the actual 'making.'

    58. I subscribe to Aesthetic Nests blog. Evin5 at aol dot com

    59. I love having my grandkids over to craft. I think it's really brought us closer together!
      Evin5 at aol dot com

    60. we have a 2 hour unplugged rule every day. During that time we play games, do art, and read books.

    61. Anna is just turning three and our first. I've found that having screen free time after she wakes from nap is her most creative time of day. I just try to keep up!

    62. 1.I try to give my daughter a job in each creft I make. If I am cooking than she can mix or but in ingredients or measure. I let be the cutter fr paper crefts and then i do the detailed cutting or I let her be the gluer. It´s of a fun way to let her have a little part in each craft that I create. I also use each craft as a learning experince for her and me.
      2.I Like Lark Crafts on Facebook
      3. I Follow Lark Crafts on Twitter 4. I Subscribe to AestheticNest AS Momma D
      5.I Like Aesthetic Nest on Facebook

    63. Well since I stay at home it's not the time it's the effort...I am working on trying to do more with her other than coloring and stickers...she is only 2.5 so what we can do is limited but there is so much more than that!

      mandy dot ueda at gmail dot com

    64. I have a craft table and supplies set up in the playroom and rotate supplies so it isn't overwhelming to the eye. I choose materials that aren't too messy and aren't project specific so my involvement isn't required. This allows for unending exploration from their ideas, sparks and interests.

      I also have an art cabinet in the kitchen area stocked with a more edited supply of markers etc for those urgent works of art.

    65. I tend to look for opportunities for creative exploration with my kids. Last summer while driving a ways to a library puppet show we listened to Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf. They wanted to hear the score again and again on the drive home. Having just watched a puppet show I suggested this selection would lend itself perfectly to the same. This idea developed into a full blown, two week project with homemade puppets, an elaborate set culminating in a big neighborhood production.
      We decided as puppeteers, we needed matching t-shirts so my eldest, who had been inspired by his reading about historical crests, had us all choose a favorite animal to represent ourselves and designed and made our family crest which we then color transferred and ironed onto t-shirts.
      Tickets and programs, popcorn & lemonade were made and we were in full swing.
      Two weeks worth of continuous creative endeavors all springing forth from a long car ride and a beautiful piece of music!

    66. My kids love to do a variety of craft projects. We are homeschoolers so we have a lot of opportunities to explore various craft interests. Currently they are into making paint out of chalk!

    67. Liked Aesthetic Nest on FB.

    68. Liked Lark Crafts on FB

    69. My kids are grown now, but have a little friend I like to craft with from time to time. My adult daughter just learned to crochet so we spend some time doing that together. I have a new granddaughter and a grandson on the way, and can't wait for the day that we can "create" together! Book looks like a lot of fun and I love your blog!

    70. I have several young children- 4 kids ages 5 and under and if I don't find something creative for them to do- they find flour, pancake mix, lemonade, markers, any number of things to create on their own :) Now that the weather is warmer we spend a lot of time outside and they do a lot of creating with nature- rocks, sticks, leaves.

    71. I Like Lark Crafts on Facebook

    72. I Like Aesthetic Nest on Facebook

    73. What a great book! I've made up a few busy bags for my 3 year old daughter. At the moment her favourites seem to be sewing and beads). I am always looking for more inspired projects to do with her.

    74. I pretty much give my children unlimited access to craft supplies. Granted, sometimes it means a big mess when I need it least, but all in the name of creativity, right?
      I have subscribed to your blog and always receive some sort of inspiration from it. I have "lifted" a number of your ideas. Makes my girlie girl look like a princess! I think that she feels like one too.

    75. Looks like a great book, I think I'll pick that up for my kids. Thanks

    76. The craft supplies are always out at our house. I am hoping to have the patience for some of the messier crafts this summer since we can just go outside to do them. :)

    77. My kids also love to make dioramas. They make them for animal habitats, historical representation anything that inspires them. They vary in sophistication from elaborate, tri-chamber structures with revolving bases to a simple cardboard shoebox. I make them too for various birthday party centerpieces.

      email is:

    78. we love painting together, and then coming back to draw on top the next day when it's dry - would love to explore this book, perfect for summer!

    79. I try to let my boys be with me no matter what I am doing. I admit to struggling with the creative part though cause I like to do it "right" This book may be just what I need

    80. What a beautiful book! I like Jenny Doh! Would love a chance to win this book.
      Yesterday I made Lavender Soap with one of my daughters. We laughed and squeeled (it was fun to do and see the soap turn hard as soon as we tried to pour it) Crafting with your kids is molding and growing together Mom becomes a kid again and the kid just grows right there!

      Thank you Anneliese for this give away


    81. Oops totally forgot!
      I like the crafts with the kids that we can do in a couple of minutes to an hour.
      I have 6 kids the youngest is one the oldest is 15! So I need crafts that are interesting yet you can see results fast. The attention and patience span of the little ones are way too short for the big stuff.


    82. Since my daughter is little, we like to do handmade cards. She loves to see her handprint on the Mother's Day card she made for me. I have also subscribed to your blog and 'liked' Aesthetic Nest on Facebook. Thank you for all the great blog posts! Always sparks my creativity!

    83. Decorating cookies is my favorite thing to do with the kiddos.

      satsukirebel AT gmail DOT com

    84. I like Lark Crafts on facebook.

      satsukirebel AT gmail DOT com

    85. I'm following Lark Crafts on twitter.

      satsukirebel AT gmail DOT com

    86. I follow your blog via google reader.

      satsukirebel AT gmail DOT com

    87. I like Aesthetic Nest on facebook.

      satsukirebel AT gmail DOT com

    88. We haven't quite reached the point where I can build creative time into our schedule as our little one is only 8 months old. But I have a feeling it will start soon. In that case I'll try to use our lazy days as craft days...of course the other days of the week will be scattered with smaller projects!

    89. I am a subscriber of Aesthetic Nest!
      I love you so much!
      I made your chenille blanket for my hubby!

    90. I like Aesthetic Nest on Facebook!

    91. My 19 month old and i paint together! Well, he paints with washable paint while i use acrylic for a project or i sew! He loves drawing, so its a big treat for family to get handmade cards. Also, while making colorful items, he loves taking advantage of pointing out the different colors and feeling the different textures!

    92. We are in need of some fresh ideas for summer. We love to craft time in our house and now our almost two year old is joining in. Messy but so much fun!


    Thanks so much for leaving a comment. I appreciate it! I will try to respond via email if you have a direct question so be sure your email address is visible. Thanks!