Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sewing: Kangaroo Pocket Sweat Skirt, Part II

I loved reading all your comments on my Kangaroo Pocket Sweat Skirt. Loved the empathy about projects we make for ourselves that don't quite turn out. And loved the optimism in the suggestions to try it short, or to just go for it with confidence!

I decided what I loved about the skirt was the long line, and that shorter wouldn't necessarily work better on me. So I gave it away to a friend of mine (pictured here, with my girls) whom I thought could pull it off. And she wears it so well! It was a nice save for this one. Don't you think? Just switch the model so it works!


  1. I'm pretty sure there's very few things you couldn't pull off! You looked great in this skirt! Of course, it's probably more about recognizing what styles we feel comfortable in. The most important lesson I gleaned from this was not to shy away from new ideas, but to at least try out something new. Thanks!

  2. @Anna: You are so kind, but it isn't me in the photo wearing this skirt! It's my friend... But your sentiment works all the same. We should run towards new ideas! Thanks.

  3. I think that's a great save. I really appreciate you identified what you liked about it and could decide whether that was for you or not but didn't get hang up on it. Moving onto your next project for yourself?


  4. Lucky friend! I still think it's a cool skirt. Make yourself another and change it up a bit. :)

  5. I do love that skirt! So summery and cute!

  6. Yay!!! :) It would have been great on you too girl. But I'm glad it found a home.

  7. Oh well done....you will wear it so much.

    Please do some more mummy sewing - I am trying to take confidence and move from sewing so much for my girls to me :) I should really do as Nike say and "just do it". Thanks and congrats x

  8. I think it's great! I'm always needing a pocket! I agree with why it's easier to make kids clothes than things for me!!!

  9. I absolutely love that skirt! I'm thinking maybe I should try making one for myself ... and maybe a couple for my girls.


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