Monday, April 9, 2012

FYI: Easter Hosannas

We've been teased with Spring weather for the past couple weeks but shocked now and again by snow and grey so I've been anxiously looking around the garden for true signs that Spring is here. I have been eyeing the hydrangeas I planted last Fall to see if they were going to make it and I've been a bit discouraged. Looked like nothing but dead twigs sticking out of the ground. I had really wanted them to live. But, I tiptoed closer the other day and when I got nearly next to the branches I saw them! The tiniest of leaf buds in a few places. Amazing! These plants looked as dead as any I've seen, but on many of them I now see life!

Spring is so amazing that way. One day it's nothing but cold and grey and the next there is green pushing out of the ground. Can you believe what a few warm days can do in the garden?

I'm in the mood to look for signs so I am especially happy this Spring to see how nature reminds us with her renewal and rebirth. We want that too, don't we? The more I am taught by this life the more impatient I feel about the resurrection. What will be more glorious than that, the great reunion? But I don't mean to get ahead of myself. As tragic as loss can be in this life, as much as it makes me wish for the great resolution to it all, the more tragic thing I've told myself lately is not living it well! Not taking advantage of all the opportunities to do and see and love and lift and share.

There is so much beauty around us. So many little faces to love. So many great relationships to grow. I am trying to focus on those things more deliberately this Spring. My own little rebirth. If you celebrate Easter, or Passover, or if you celebrate Spring in other ways, don't you agree this time of year makes one want to shout, "Hosanna!" I hope you are loving it. Happy Easter. Happy Spring.

My "FYI" posts share news or a perspective about something that's been on my mind. You can read them all here.


  1. I love what you shared! Amen! I, too, just today, found new growth in the garden that just a few days ago looked so dead and I almost dug it up impatiently and tossed it .... so thankful I didn't! My blue hyssop and purple clematis made it through the winter. I, too, was pondering the new birth at springtime and thanking Him for it! New growth after a long winter... just like the beauty from ashes He brings in our lives... after suffering there comes much growth - He wastes nothing for sure! There is purpose in everything in our lives. Hosanna indeed! Hope your Easter celebration was a blessing! :O)

  2. I too love this time of year . . . The hope that comes in the form of green shoots and new buds. Plus the celebration of Jesus' resurrection. There is so much to be thankful for, beginning right in our very homes. Loving the people God has blessed us with. Happy Easter and spring!

  3. Lovely! Happy Easter to your sweet family! What a perfect post to end my evening with!

  4. Well said!
    The other thing that I am thinking on at the moment is living well - that is, I live in a western economy, so I am asking myself what I am doing to make a difference to those who live under the poverty line, those who are emotionally beaten down. Jesus spoke so much about restoration (think particularly where He talked about restoring to those who had lost because of debts etc.) both physically, Spiritually, and emotionally. I can start by loving. Where there is love, so much more can and will happen.
    Blessings for your own little re-birth.
    S x0x

  5. Lovely garden, my mum has hydrangeas as well, and they look like this every year but always surprise us with loads of flowers, so don't dispair!

  6. I felt loss for the first time last year. I'm lucky it took me so long I suppose. One thing that I've come to understand more is that there is suffering in the world of varying kinds. We put so much energy into avoiding it but unfortunately we can't. Noticing every moment for what it is, each breath, each bud and being mindful of what we have and what we are doing, helps us cope a little more when suffering does happen. Enjoy every moment x x

  7. I felt loss for the first time last year. I'm lucky it took me so long I suppose. One thing that I've come to understand more is that there is suffering in the world of varying kinds. We put so much energy into avoiding it but unfortunately we can't. Noticing every moment for what it is, each breath, each bud and being mindful of what we have and what we are doing, helps us cope a little more when suffering does happen. Enjoy every moment x x


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