Friday, January 6, 2012

FYI: Time for Resolutions

I am not much of a New Year's Eve fan. I'm not sure why, maybe I should plan something sparkly for next year and see if it gets more exciting. But I am a big fan of the new year. A new day. A new undertaking. A new list of things to do. I love the idea (theoretical though it may be) of a fresh start! Such an opportunity to change and improve.

So, just like every other year, I've got a surge of energy for January and a bunch of lists in my head. I think it has to do with the feeling that we've all just cleared a huge deadline at Christmas and I usually haven't committed myself beyond that. It's easy to come up with a long list of creative things I'd like to find time for--prioritizing them is a different kind of challenge however. It's not as easy to pick a few more substantial resolutions on which to focus. Those that have to do with the way I parent and the kind of person I am: friend, sibling, wife neighbor.

It's funny because the creative list seems to be about "more" (sewing, pattern design, knit and crochet, birthday parties, etc.) but the more personal list has a lot of "less". How do I clear the way for what's really important, unclutter, lose distractions, reduce stress and friction? I need to develop an improved system for doing what counts every day and taking care of the mundane things too. Maybe part of it is embracing the mundane.

I had an epiphany of sorts a few weeks ago when I was feeling disappointed in myself for not creating more structured learning and loving time with my girlsI beyond the coop preschool and mommy-daughter classes we do. I realized that all of the small things really do add up--the meals prepared, the toys picked up, the driving to and fro, the hair combed. What counts is that I am their mother and am doing those things in love. I do genuinely appreciate that I'm able to be home with my girls full time and hope to pay more attention to the countless moments that are ours for laughing and smiling and loving and noticing the beauty in our everyday life. I suppose more will be required for this resolution too: patience.

Maybe that's it in a word for 2012. Patience. And one painting a month. no matter how small. I'm going to give it a try.

Happy new year!

P.S. Is "keeping a journal" one of your resolutions? Take a look at my post here on the subject.


My "FYI" posts share news or a perspective about something that's been on my mind. You can read them all here.


  1. The picture of your girls is pretty darn cute. The the two bookend sisters cuddling. Happy New Year!

  2. You are a wise and good woman, Annelise. To approach each moment of motherhood with intention is indeed a big commitment...of time, talent and yes, patience. Know the work you do every day with those beautiful girls ~ from combing hair, washing faces to preparing a nice lunch are ALL gifts ~ you have been blessed! Happy New Year to you!

  3. I have a goals list for 2012. You can see mine here:

    Been following you for several months now and always enjoy your posts.


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