Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Cooking: Creamed Eggs

While I don't cook a lot of things I'd put in the "comfort food" category, these creamed eggs on toast are everything the category suggests! My mother always made them Easter morning or in the days following using our colored eggs and not only do they taste good, they bring great memories to mind! Practical too. An easy way to use all those eggs you hard boiled. I was so happy to have some for dinner this evening. 

I actually blogged about creamed eggs last Easter but only included a photo of the main ingredient--the colored Easter eggs--because the dye had transferred so much the dish didn't look so appetizing. Much better results this year.

To make some start with a basic white sauce, fold in sliced hard boiled eggs, and add salt and pepper. Serve over toast. I found my favorite ratio in this particular white sauce to be 3T butter, 3T flour and 2 c milk. You can find a slightly more detailed recipe in last year's post.


  1. This was my husband's favourite special breakfast growing up, but he doesn't know how to make it. Thanks for posting this - I can now surprise him. I hope your Easter was very special, the dresses you created for your girls are beautiful.
    Blessings to you!

  2. That looks so delicious! A guest at our Easter lunch recounted memories of creamed eggs from her childhood and I had never heard of them before! Now I can't wait to try them! Thanks for sharing this!

  3. I've never heard of this before. It looks yummy! I think we'll have to try it.

  4. That looks so yummy! I am going to try it sometime. Thanks for sharing!!!

  5. I had never heard of these before, but I had dyed Easter eggs that needed to be used up. :-) I made some delicious creamed eggs for breakfast this morning! Yum...

  6. Wow, I feel like you just restored to me a part of myself that I didn't know was missing. I used to have creamed eggs a lot while growing up but had somehow forgotten that. Reading this post tugged me back into my past and actually brought tears to my eyes.



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