Thursday, September 2, 2010

She's Here: Tess Augusta

She finally arrived! Little Tess is here.

She kept us waiting longer than her older sisters, going overdue by a few days. But she was certainly worth it. To us she is perfect. Healthy and beautiful and a sweet mix of her sisters.

Nice to finally give this little girl a name too. Her father and I were able to agree on "Tess" and "Augusta" is a family name (both Augusts and Augustas) on my side. Nice that she also happened to be born in August. We liked the idea of continuing our pattern of a first name we both loved (more difficult than it sounds) and a family name for the middle name.

Tess is doing her jobs well so far: eating and sleeping and keeping me busy diapering. She has received perfect check-ups, thank goodness. We are so blessed to have another baby. It's a miracle we went from zero to three children in a little over four years!


Her older sisters loved her immediately. Audrey is especially taken with her saying over and over: isn't she beautiful? Oh...look at Tess...

Tess is a good sized baby--weighing 8 lbs 1 oz and 20.5 inches long--but still seems so tiny. It's difficult to quit taking pictures. So many precious things to document. This little foot, the long fingers, the sleeping expressions, the eyes opened, the eyes closed....


And of course with the awe comes the humilty too. How to do her justice? How to raise Tess and her older sisters in the way they deserve?

So much responsibility with such a small bundle.

We love her.


  1. Congratulations! Tess is so perfect. I love that second picture--she almost looks like a little doll.

  2. Your little Tess is just adorable. Congrats on a beautiful and healthy baby girl.

  3. She is beautiful!! Love her name and congratulations on a safe, healthy delivery and baby!!

  4. She is beautiful. You are very lucky!

  5. Audrey is right, Tess is beautiful! A hearty congratulations to the whole family on the safe arrival of this precious little miracle! What a gift to the world!


  6. A beautiful name for a beautiful baby... congratulations!

  7. She's a lucky girl. Congratulatons.

  8. Anneliese,
    She is perfect! So gorgeous!
    Congratulations and what a beautiful name!

  9. What a sweetheart! Congratulations, Anneliese! She really is perfection.

  10. What a beautiful post Anneliese. She is gorgeous - I can see why you can't put the camera down - I would feel the same way!

    Congratulations on your new bundle - I can tell she is a very lucky little girl to be growing up in your little nest :-)


  11. So sweet! I love the name too! Congratulations on a wonderful "homemade" creation :)

  12. Congrats! What a beautiful baby!

  13. Awwww, congrats! She's gorgeous!!!! Hope you are all doing well. Lots of luv!

  14. She is absolutely PERFECT!


  15. I love her outfit. Is it homemade? If not, where can I purchase it?

  16. Beautiful post. I just entered the third trimester of my first pregnancy, and with all the preparations and changes that are happening, it was nice to have a moment to remember what I am so excited for!

  17. Thank you for so many sweet comments about Tess!
    Jules, her outfit is a bamboo take-me-home set by Barefoot Dreams, sold here:

  18. Congratulations!!!
    How precious!

    Anita ♥

  19. Congratulations! She is so beautiful. New babies are so perfect and sweet.

  20. congratulations! she's beautiful.

  21. I am so far behind!! I missed the newborn photos. She is beautiful and your photographic skills are wonderful.


  22. oh my goodness, she is so precious! just darling, darling, darling!! i love your photos of all her sweet little features. :)

    we too have the same naming tradition you do.....a first name that we both love and the middle name is a family name. i love it that way.

  23. Oh she is just so sweet! And the pink hat on her is too precious! She looks so much like your other girls! You definitely have a mold! All our kids looked the same too! Congratulations and I can't wait to see her in person!


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