Friday, June 18, 2010

Sewing: Paisley and Cabbage Roses Classic Dress


I am a "finisher." I try and enjoy the process, and honestly do, but whatever I am engaged in is mostly about getting something finished. Because then it can be used and enjoyed, and more importantly, I have the satisfaction of having accomplished something! Add that to nesting and it gets a little crazy! I realized I have about ten weeks until this new little babe arrives and a long list of things I want to do, which I haven't started. How much can I get done? Can I finish one thing a week? Maybe. Depends what it is I guess, but ten things sounds like a really great amount. I'm off to a good start this week. I just finished this dress for Audrey (I know I said "nesting" but it's not all about the new baby--too many fun ideas for the two girls who are already here) and I have a painting nearly finished! Can't believe that one because it's been six months since I lifted the brush...

So this is a dress I have been thinking about sewing for Audrey for some time. I bought the fabric over a year ago at Joann. It's "Rambling Rose" by Donna Wilder for Fabric Traditions. I think it is such a classic print. I love the pink and brown and yellow--the yellow saves it from being too cliche I think. The pattern is Vogue V7819, although I altered it by substituting covered buttons instead of the called for zipper and I added piping around the neck, arms and waist. Gives it a more classic feel I think. It was more than a bit tricky to figure out those modifications because this dress is fully lined. I cut out the pieces and basically ditched the instructions and managed to work it out.

Sometimes the simplest of shapes look the best on young girls. I love the bohemian and boutique looks but when I put Audrey in something like this I think it is so feminine and doesn't compete with the effortless beauty of her little girlhood.  I was thinking of the beautiful, classic dresses from Papo d'Anjo. They are beautifully made as well--I was lucky to receive one for Audrey when she was born and I loved the attention to details---the dress was fully lined, with tiny rickrack trim and not a thread out of place.

I was thinking of this dress I made last year for Scarlett and these dresses here when I made this one for Audrey:

Audrey's is fully lined too. Love it! It's worth the extra work because it hangs so nicely, isn't at all transparent, and it's as pretty inside as it is out (which is what my mother used to say about nice little girls and young women, and same could be said of Audrey).

This dress also has a substantial hem--about four inches. Which means Audrey could wear it another year or maybe two if I let out the length. Of course, it may be that she doesn't get the chance because I will have finished something else for her to wear, but she'll have two younger sisters to catch the hand-me-downs.

Here she is, in our own rambling roses. I'll have her wear this dress Sunday for Father's Day. Maybe we can snap a few photos of the Dad with his two daughters as we did last year.


  1. oh my goodness! the dress is heavenly and your daughter looks just perfect in it. she is beautiful and i love her hair cut!

  2. Stunning! I can't believe that is JoAnn fabric. The dress is gorgeous. And your daughter is a perfect model. Look at those great shots!

  3. Great attention to detail! Love all your projects...very inspiring for a mom of 2 (soon to be 3). More power to you!

  4. It is lovely! I really like it

  5. AMAZING! This almost made me squeal when I saw it. The details are perfect and your daughter is such a beautiful little model.

  6. Beautiful! Your dress is stunning and your daughter is such a lovely little model. I can't imagine anything prettier right now.

  7. I DON'T RECALL SEEING this lovely dress on your daughter-- probably I was not on your blog radar then. However, you have created/ sewn a PERFECT print dress for your darling daughter! Like other previous comments, the details on the dress make it FAB! This reveals your LOVE in sewing a quite special dress for your little girl. The outdoor setting is cool!
    Sarah Helene in Minneapolis.


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