Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sewing: Strawberry Sidetrack

I was working pretty quickly on the girls' strawberry summer dresses when I decided Audrey needed some shorts of some sort to wear underneath--bloomers, if you will... So I worked out a pattern for some that didn't look too baby. I decided to incorporate a cuff--so they look like short knickers. Then I decided they were looking so cute that they can stand on their own as full blown shorts, especially with a pocket on the back, which I then added.

Now the wheels are really turning and I think I need to make a pair to go with Audrey's patriotic dress, and do a matching top for wearing alone, and wouldn't these be cute in velvet or corduroy with tights underneath for Fall?


  1. I love your blog, these are super cute, any chance you created a pattern, I'd love to make them for my niece!!


  2. I was just thinking about how to make something like this...very cute!!


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