Thursday, December 14, 2006

Knitting: Green Asymetrical Cardigan for Christmas

I've been wanting to do this Bulky Baby Asymetrical Cardigan pattern because it looks like my speed: fast and easy. It is a garter stitch (my knitting is still much faster than my purling--or for the day when I do both equally quickly) and calls for worsted weight yarn. I thought it would be cute in this great green Lion Brand Jiffy yarn.

It did go pretty quickly but I am always so impatient--always want to finish and try it on and move on to another fun project. I thought it would be a cute look to use these embossed metal buttons. Now it looks a bit Alpen to me.

Cute with a plaid skirt and embroidered collar shirt for Christmas! If only Audrey would hold still for a photo!

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Christmas Card 2006

I adore letterpress. I think the words themselves really need no other adornment when they are pressed into beautiful paper like this. I had the press that did Audrey's birth announcements, The Mandate Press, create these single panel Christmas cards for me.

This year, especially after Audrey's birth, I felt this one word said it all.

I used the same font and printed a message on vellum, enclosed a family photo taken by Julie Shipman and tied the little package with ribbon that has the same subtle sheen as the paper stock.

Fun to finally be sending a Christmas card, and to be involved in the making. I used to hand make cards in high school and college and I loved doing it. Maybe I can continue that in the years to come.